Where do I start after having a baby?

My beautiful baby daughter is 5 weeks old and I have just started to kick my butt into gear and start trying to shift this baby weight gained. During pregnancy I put my weight on in the following areas and wondered if people could let me know what the best exercises are to shift fat from these areas:

1) tummy (has now gone saggy with plenty of unwanted stretch marks)
2) tops of my thighs
3) hips ( this is the area I have gained the most inches)
4) tops of my arms

Also in regards to dieting are there any food types I such be avoiding to help shift stubborn fat?


  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Congrats on your baby girl!

    I would do cardio like running (you can get jogging stroller and take your LO with you) or the elliptical to help shred calories.

    For the tummy, crunches would be good. Hips, leg lifts and lunges. Help tone the leg, calves, and thighs. Not sure about top of arms....I know for the flab that hangs down the weight presses (hold a weight above your head with both hands and then lower to behind your head) help.

    Are you breastfeeding? If so I would discourage cutting calories. bf moms need at least 1700 cals to keep their milk. You can avoid processed foods and fatty greasy foods and that should help with stubborn fat a lot. Lots of fiber and whole grains help too.
  • MummyJen88
    Thank you so much for your advice I really appreciate it :)
    I have been doing 30 mins on my elliptical everyday so far and can really feel it working my thighs so I will keep going with that.
    I am not breast feeding any more but I think the problem at the moment is finding time to eat. I never seem to get time for lunch and don't realise I have missed it until it gets to about 4pm and I find I want to raid the fridge for something quick and easy which before this week was ending up being a biscuit or a piece of chocolate.

    Thanks for all your help :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat, you need to drop over all body fat percentage. I'd do a small caloric deficit (set MFP to .5 lb per week) and a mixture of cardi and strenght training. Drink lots of water and eat as little unprocessed food as possible. This should get you this quickest results