Thoughts from those with metal screws/rods in their bodies



  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    i just want to take a brief moment to shout a little hate towards all the NEVERS and CANTS types i see in this thread. we can be considerably more than you think, the main thing is attitude.

    your disabilities in many (not all) situations are simply your fears grabbing you at a very local nueronic level. micro hesitations that are so convincing they make you think you cant do something. you can.

    if you truly are limited by physics then find another way in which you can make an end run, it may be easier to fly or somersault than to walk so start thinking that way and prepare for the nay sayers to join an even louder chorus of haters.

    you cant be who you were anymore but you can be better.

    I think it's a bit obvious that you never had a screw or anything to do with serious injury. And if you did, then you know what the rest of us know, that the pain is severe and no one whose been through that would want to see someone else in that boat re-injure themselves. I think everyone who posted here is just trying to help and share experiences. Isn't that what we're here for?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    i just want to take a brief moment to shout a little hate towards all the NEVERS and CANTS types i see in this thread. we can be considerably more than you think, the main thing is attitude.

    your disabilities in many (not all) situations are simply your fears grabbing you at a very local nueronic level. micro hesitations that are so convincing they make you think you cant do something. you can.

    if you truly are limited by physics then find another way in which you can make an end run, it may be easier to fly or somersault than to walk so start thinking that way and prepare for the nay sayers to join an even louder chorus of haters.

    you cant be who you were anymore but you can be better.

    I think it's a bit obvious that you never had a screw or anything to do with serious injury. And if you did, then you know what the rest of us know, that the pain is severe and no one whose been through that would want to see someone else in that boat re-injure themselves. I think everyone who posted here is just trying to help and share experiences. Isn't that what we're here for?

    I agree, truetarot, as a disabled person (no pins or screws --- OW!). I do have some NEVERS and CANTS, and that's just life. It's a lovely thought that I can do anything I work hard for, but it's also complete folly sometimes and I'd rather buck up and know my limitations. I test them all the time, sure, but real strength is in knowing what is smart and what isn't, imho. One of my worst pet peeves is someone telling me I can do something I know I can't or shouldn't. It's not helpful (unless it's my physical therapist telling me, I guess :D ).
  • I think it's a bit obvious that you never had a screw or anything to do with serious injury. And if you did, then you know what the rest of us know, that the pain is severe and no one whose been through that would want to see someone else in that boat re-injure themselves. I think everyone who posted here is just trying to help and share experiences. Isn't that what we're here for?

    nope i have a lovely fresh screw at the top of my femur now. i dont know anything about the rest of you but can be sure that many of you are far worse off than me. not for one moment am i doubting your suffering or making light of it.

    my conflict here is that i am saying you CAN do so much more if you dont accept limitations or allow your pain to become your governor.

    sure there are physical limits but when you run into them as folly your downside is not effected: you lose nothing you could have had. yet if you havent truly proven the limitations for yourself your downside for not trying is potentially infinite.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I think it's a bit obvious that you never had a screw or anything to do with serious injury. And if you did, then you know what the rest of us know, that the pain is severe and no one whose been through that would want to see someone else in that boat re-injure themselves. I think everyone who posted here is just trying to help and share experiences. Isn't that what we're here for?

    nope i have a lovely fresh screw at the top of my femur now. i dont know anything about the rest of you but can be sure that many of you are far worse off than me. not for one moment am i doubting your suffering or making light of it.

    my conflict here is that i am saying you CAN do so much more if you dont accept limitations or allow your pain to become your governor.

    sure there are physical limits but when you run into them as folly your downside is not effected: you lose nothing you could have had. yet if you havent truly proven the limitations for yourself your downside for not trying is potentially infinite.

    :) You do have to test them here and there (gently), I think. So I can definitely agree with that. And creativity is key. Brainstorm and see if there is a way, or try something new. Maybe you can do that instead (like me and bellydance (with no arms)! Woot!).
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    I've had 2 spinal (neck) surgeries. I have a plate in the front and rods in the back. It's very hard to exercise. Even walking causes pain.