Just wanted to introduce myself...

My name is Ellen and I am new to the site and would love to hear from anyone with helpful tips or tools for success!


  • BamaGirl
    My name is Ellen and I am new to the site and would love to hear from anyone with helpful tips or tools for success!
  • babyhippo
    Hello and Welcome. Just stick it out with us and keeping reading the posts each day. I've learned so many valuable things from everyone else.
  • BamaGirl
    Thank you I will!
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Welcome aboard. You've taken the right first step and "babyh" is right about just watching the blogs roll out from anyone of us and you will certainly catch on to what's good and what's not -- whether it's exercise or eating.
  • hncbutterfly
    Welcome and Good luck!! Read message boards they help alot! The support from the people on this website is great!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • phrn255
    Jeepgirl huh?

    I love jeeps, have had wranglers for years!!!

    Good luck....and welcome