Pain in the foot?

I just got back from a gym class and I had to leave early because my feet were in agony. It's along the bottom sole of the foot (both sides, but primarily my left foot), I get sharp sharp pains like I've overstretched or something...except....these are FEET and I'm usually just dancing along or marching in place when it starts to happen. And if I stop, the pain stops!

I walk a lot and it doesn't happen why I walk, just when I attend gym classes sometimes (anywhere from 1-5 a week), but this has been happening more and more, today it REALLY hurt!

I bought new runners just a week ago because someone at my gym suggested that I needed arch support, but that doesn't seem to be helping.

Any suggestions? I can go to a walk-in clinic tomorrow, but I'm not sure what a basic doc will be able to offer me in terms of options.


  • shivelyamber
    Sounds like you have Plantar Fasciitis. I work at an orthotic company and arch supports can really help. I'd suggest going to a Podiatrist or going to your local Good Feet store. You should be immediately icing your feet and switching into shoes with more support. Do you have health insurance? Sometimes they will cover the cost of orthotics.