Yoga...ever done it? *Sorry I post so much ):*



  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I am a licensed Bikram yoga instructor, although not currently teaching, yoga has allowed me to progress faster in strength training, and flexibility. Doing yoga in high temperatures allows for better muscle relaxation and toxin cleansing. I cannot imagine life without it!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Doing yoga in high temperatures allows for better muscle relaxation and toxin cleansing.

    Woa, you can sweat toxins? Are you a superhero?
  • poledancing_ninja
    I do Isyenga at a yoga centre and it's amazing. I would highly recommend yoga to anyone active, it releases any tension you're carrying and improves your posture and strength. I find it helps my flexibilty which is a big bonus at kickboxing, I can kick my 6ft boyfriend in the head now!

    EDIT: And it's the best night's sleep you'll ever have!
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I am doing yoga right now... And I am taking a yoga class in the fall at college... Its really good for you, not just physically but mentally as well.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    LOVE yoga. We have an instructor come to our office twice a week and there are 4 of us that practice regularly. I have found that my upper body strength has increased as well as my balance. I also love the 4-5 minutes at the end where we totally relax and I nearly fall asleep!
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    I did yoga thru the first half of my #2 pregnancy. It was great! Then it was super hard and I would sit and sip water watching them do it... it still felt good then. :)