New to MFP and wondering if im doing ok?

Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
I just started MFP on Monday, and so far, im very happy with what Im doing.. which makes me think im screwing up somewhere. lol

I am having the Visuals shakes (in a fruit smoothie) for breakfast and lunch, i drink water and vitamin water zero during the day. I have a low cal dinner at night - less than 650 calories) and I have another shake if i get hungry in the evening.

Im trying to do exercise on the elliptical, but I have COPD and its REALLY difficult, but im doing 10 minutes once a day right now.

Also, I take itworks thermofit before i eat, and fat fighters after i eat. I take a multi vitamin, and i am on Rx of 10,000 units of vitamin D daily. Also, i add one tablespoon of fiber to my fruit smoothies.

SO, if this is working for me, and im getting right at my 1200 calorie goal.. does this sound okay? And do you think the exercise is really helping me? I hate to exercise. LOL!

Thank you, and always looking for new friends! =)


  • stacgiggles
    stacgiggles Posts: 28 Member
    HI! I'm new to this site myself , joined in Feb '12 but just now logging on welcome!

    I have been on a new life change since Jan '09. It's definatly been a challenge, but worth every bit of sweat. BUT life got in my way (or should i say food got in my way) and my weight has crept back up. But i'm back on the wagon!

    With that said I am not expert here, but it sounds like you are on the right track. Excersie is the key to getting healthy. Keep up the good work!

    The only thing I would do, is start walking around your neighborhood @ night or during your lunch at work. When starting out it doesn't need to be much (a block at a time is all it takes). Just increase every week a little more at a time. Also another idea is when you go to the store, park WAY away from the door, just think you are buring more calories when doing that ;D.

    good luck girl! You can do it as long as you put your mind to it!
    If you need support, friend me and i can help! ;D
    take care,