I fell off the wagon and gained 10

motomom Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
OK..I have not logged on since MAY!!!:ohwell: :embarassed: I am a healthy 35 year old mom and believe I am an active person. 5 foot 10 and 209 is where I have troubles....I would love to be a size 10 again...realistic goal. I am not as worried about weight as I am size. I am a size 14 and need any hints or motivation anyone is willing to offer.


  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm also 5;10" but in a size 16 (17 in juniors) and I'm 176lbs. That's my thing, I'd rather be a smaller size, I honestly could care less about the number, I want to see inches more than pounds!! And we're proof that the number doesn't mean much as you're in a 14 and weigh more than me at the same height. I don't think I'll get below a 16 though, my children did their damage on my hips and i don't see them going back. :laugh: :grumble: c'est la vie.

    oh yeah, WELCOME BACK! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Hey sweetie! My encouragement for you is to get back on track by logging your food and exercise again as it holds you accountable. Come here for inspiration at least once a day so you can see how your fellow fitness pals are doing. We need your support as well! :wink: I am right there with you with weight gain and falling off the wagon. I have gained an average of 10 pounds a year for the last 3 years and I can't seem to kick start this weight loss! I enjoy working out, I love to dance, but I have troube staying motivated. I keep hearing that if we stay active and burn more calories than what we consume, then we can typically eat what we want, within reason of course, and the weight will come off! My problem is controlling my portion size and I sit at a desk all day thinking about my next snack or meal. So, I know how difficult it can be to stay with the program. This is my 3rd time around doing the food/exercise tracking thing. If I could start seeing results, I would feel confident that I can really lose 30 pounds and get my health and figure back! Don't give up! Keep logging in for support and accountability. We are all here for the same purpose and though it is not easy, when we do reach our goal, we will recognize that our hard work has paid off and we'll have a great sense of accomplishment! :bigsmile:

    Sorry for blabbing about me when you are the one looking for motivation! I guess I am trying to motivate myself as well! :smile:

    Best of luck to you!

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi. Welcome back. :smile: My advice is to start logging your food religiously, and sweat hard for 30 minutes every day (or most days). Good luck.

    Oh, and the good thing about those 10 pounds is once you get back into it, newly added weight seems to fall off pretty quickly.
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