What are your July goals?



  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    What are your July goals?

    Mine are...

    Reach a total of 60 lbs lost..that is 8 lbs from today.
    Have 4 solid 600 plus calorie burning workouts per week
    Begin a heavy lifting plan
    Encourage 2 friends to join mfp who are not currently members
    Only look at the scale once a week-I've kind of been obsessed

    How about you?

    Some of my goals are similar to yours. I've lost 21 lbs since late April of this year and hope to reach 185 by August 5th (i.e. 1 8 5 by 8 / 5...I like using numbers to set goals). I'm currently at 193 so like you, I have 8lbs to go until that. I also hope to begin some serious strength conditioning once I reach a total loss of 30 lbs (which would be at 184lbs). For most of July, I'm going to be working out a plan and figuring out what I want to work on next.

    Good luck !
  • danbradley1970
    danbradley1970 Posts: 42 Member
    Continue workouts 5 days a week - cardio 600 cal a day
    Continue strength training that i just started to incorporate with consistency in weight lifted for July, work through the soreness.

    Keep my calorie intake around 1500 a day
    Overall weight reduction of 15-20 lbs (seems high but i am heavy right now)

    Live my new life proudly.
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    my goals are to:
    make it into the 180s
    continue the couch to 5k
    do yoga once a week
    ride the macauley road to miracle beach to home on the bikes
    start a strength program

  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    1) lose 5-10 pounds
    2) finish C25K program
    3) run my first 5K

    best wishes everyone!!
  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    My July goals are to stick with my insanity workouts and couch 2 5K program and hopefully lose a ton of inches and drop around 10 pounds!