sensitive people



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    It hurts my feelings when people think my willy is small...

    So stop showing everyone! :tongue:

    OR show LOTS of people so you can have different opinions. just don't show me because i'm married. :) lol
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Yeah, I am ridiculously sensitive about everything. To make matters worse, when I get angry my tear ducts betray me and I start crying, so I LOOK a lot more sensitive than I already am. It ruins my street cred, I'm tellin' yah.

    i cry also when i'm really angry. and THAT makes me angry. haha

    i just did this which sparked this post. thankfully my friend sent me a nasty msg on facebook and not in person.

    gotta love the ones who hide behind computer screens. i had a friend who only messaged and text me when she was angry with me. wouldn't answer my calls.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Im not sensitive at all. My family is insanely blunt. By the time I hit my teens years I had problems wth my foot living in my mouth because I couldnt wrap my head around how sensitive other people can be.

    I've known a couple people like this. It seems as if you are starting to realize this and that's good. I just wish the ones I knew who are like this could also see the light and start to remove their feet from their mouths. Thanks for being so blunt. It really helped me understand them.

    Also, I'm a sensitive person, but am trying to not let things get to me so much. When I mess up, I become very hard on myself and struggle with the fact that it's impossible for me to be perfect no matter how hard I try.

    Its just really tough when you're constantly surrounded by people and you can say things like stop being a moron or blow it out your @ss or tease each other without anyone caring and then being in a situation where people get super upset over that kind of thing. Sometimes I think something isnt that bad and others think Im being horrible and insensitive
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i doubt i am gonna see them again. i can't let people wear me down to nothing.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i wouldn't blame you. if they said hateful/hurtful things, you don't need them there. they will only bring you down.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Im not sensitive at all. My family is insanely blunt. By the time I hit my teens years I had problems wth my foot living in my mouth because I couldnt wrap my head around how sensitive other people can be.
    Yeah... I am with you. It took me until college to start to realize how blunt / sarcastic my family was and to learn that doesn't fly with everyone. Don't get me wrong, I knew I was loved, but love was expressed through sarcasm and critique. For me, it ended up making me a really hard worker and I became extremely self-critical. It's taken me a while (I'm 37) to start to learn not to be so hyper critical of myself. Life's a process, I guess. What always amazes me though, is that when I really needed them, my parents always dropped that approach and were just open, honest and caring. Even now, if something really bad happens to me, I call my dad first because I know he'll be calm and objective and he's always there in a pinch.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I was reading a book called "Living Successfully with Screwed Up People" and it said the comments made by those closest to us will hurt the most because we DO care what they think. Someone I don't know can say something nasty about me, I feel a little bad because I feel like they don't know the real me. But when my husband puts me down, it tears my heart up.

    I know I am sensitive. I know I have self esteem issues. I think that is just a part of my personality I will always have. I can't help how I feel, but I can control how I react. Usually. :ohwell:

    do you recommend? i am gonna check it out

    Oh has helped me so much. I found it at the airport when I was picking up a friend in March.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I realized I never answered the question fully.

    Yes, I am very sensitive. I'm a person who could start crying because of something dumb I saw or heard. I cry about the stupidest things.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    It bothers me when you don't make eye contact.
    Stop looking at my junk, my eyes are up here!!!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    if anyone else needs help flexing their self-esteem muscle:
    ok. Thanks. I get that way sometimes. Usually when my visitor comes every month. I'll check it out. I wonder if its like using the willpower muscle. Thats a muscle to exercise. You have the cutest dog. Thanks alot.