HELLO: My name is Jessie. I'm new here. Be my friend?

Hey hey hey! I recently started using MFP and I could use some support! I don't weigh myself, so the weight I put on my profile is just a guesstimate. My goal is to trim down and tone up! If this means losing weight, cool. Ultimately I want to build muscle so I know that I won't lose a ton of weight, but muscle weighs more than fat so I am A-ok with that! For me, weighing myself just causes me to obsess over every single tenth of a pound which isn't healthy. I measure my fitness by how my clothes fit and how I feel. My biggest struggle is getting myself to work out. It's always a battle to drag my lazy tush off the couch, but once I do I almost always feel great! Add me and we can motivate each other! :)


  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    hey!! I'm on a lot :) i also have a ladies only support group on fb :) Message me if you'd like to join :)