Not understanding...

Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm feeling so discouraged right now. I need a little advice or some encouragement.

I started MFP in the beginning of May at 163.5lbs and got all the way down to 152lbs. I went on vacation in July and wasn't able to log my food, but I still tried to eat well. I came home and stepped on the scale..gained 6lbs.
Now, I just keep gaining and I don't know why. I'm pretty much back to where I started. I now weigh 160lbs. Ugh.
It's not like I'm eating poorly. I mean I'm not gonna lie, I have a day here and there where I go over my cals by maybe a 100-300 cals, but it's nothing outrageous..but on a normal basis I stay within my daily cals and I run at least 3-5 days out of the week. I'm pretty active otherwise. I've been measuring myself as well and I haven't lost any inches since May. I don't understand that either.

I've talked to a bunch of ppl on here that gave me great advice and I stuck with their ideas all summer but unfortunately it's not working. I've tried changing up my exercise routine. I tried all different types of cardio, circuit training, interval training, etc...but I can't seem to lose this weight.

Any advice/help would be great!


  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't have really any help to give you - sorry! Just wanted to say that you're not alone and that I'm sure someone will have something to say that will click and you'll be back on track. I couldn't lose any weight this summer to save my hiney - I popped up 7 lbs and just now, this week, finally lost some of that. I don't know where your at - but maybe the summer heat has something to do with it. I don't know - but if I have any ideas I'll check back in! :flowerforyou: (((hug))) Don't give up! You'll find an answer!
  • gwen2009
    gwen2009 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know if this will help you, but it worked for me.....

    I hit a wall with 5 pounds to go and spent 2 months frustrated at the scale! So, I took a better look at what I was eating... most of my weight hovers around my waste, so I adjusted my carbs down and increased protien (and fat). Not to the adkins extreme, but just cut down to about half of the carbs I was taking in.

    Also, I was running 3 miles a day, and just trying to burn calories to get the weight off, but it came off of my chest and legs and face first, and then stopped..... so, I changed that up and now I run 1 or 2 miles and make sure I lift weights and work on my abs every other day.

    Long story short, I got my last 5 pounds off (and a couple extra).
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I don't know if this will help you, but it worked for me.....

    I hit a wall with 5 pounds to go and spent 2 months frustrated at the scale! So, I took a better look at what I was eating... most of my weight hovers around my waste, so I adjusted my carbs down and increased protien (and fat). Not to the adkins extreme, but just cut down to about half of the carbs I was taking in.

    Also, I was running 3 miles a day, and just trying to burn calories to get the weight off, but it came off of my chest and legs and face first, and then stopped..... so, I changed that up and now I run 1 or 2 miles and make sure I lift weights and work on my abs every other day.

    Long story short, I got my last 5 pounds off (and a couple extra).

    This is great info!
    I have 5-6lbs left to lose and am about about the 2 month point now, wondering what else I can change. I'm already doing strength, abs and quite a bit of cardio, and have recently added running a few times/week.
    I think I'll try your suggestion of decreasing carbs and increasing protien/fat.
    Thank you!!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    thanks for the advice guys! How do you change your carbs and protein? Is it just in settings? How do I know what to change it to if I do find it?
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I feel your pain and I think my problem is definately carbs. I have been eating more carbs than usual but still staying within my calorie allotment. I think some people just don't process some foods as well as others. So I am going to start back to just meat/veggies instead of having a carb/starch w/my meal and see how that works for me. I was doing that for a while and losing steadily, now I'm gaining so we shall see.
    Keep trying and changing things up until you find what works for you.
    Just whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    thanks for the advice guys! How do you change your carbs and protein? Is it just in settings? How do I know what to change it to if I do find it?

    It's in your goals. You can choose to manually change them, and just raise or lower the % associated with each nutrient. It will always work out to 100%, however.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You can also display other information besides protein, carbs, fat and calories.

    Two others that I started to monitor were Sodium and sugar.

    If you open up your diary, a few of us can look at it and see what you could try and change.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    thanks for all your advice everyone! I really appreciate it. I think my problem could be carbs and sodium. I'm going to watch them for a week or two and see what happens!
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