
What an awesome community of people you have here! I've been lurking the last few days, trying to decide if I really want to change... and you know what? I do! I started in April, when I decided I wanted ti stop smoking before my twenty fifth birthday. I stopped two days before, cold turkey, and by some miracle am one month smoke free, with no withdrawls and very few cravings at all. The next thing for me to do is lose the weight that I piled in during university and the first few years if marriage. At my heaviest, last year, I weighed 105kg. I went to a trainer for 2 Months, and kost my first 5kg, but then financial circumstances changed and I couldn't afford to go anymore. Following that were some significant financial hardships which meant that I wasn't eating to make sure that my husband was, and therefore lost another few kilos, by sheer luck. I am now sitting around 98kg, and my goal is to get to 75kg. I'm counting on MFP to keep me on track, and help me kick hubby's butt into weight loss action too! We are hoping that changing our eating habits and lifestyle will bring the little pitter-patter of a mini us that we've been trying for for the last eighteen months. So... be my friend, spam me when I don't log in... whatever it takes!!

X Sahra


  • erinhayley
    erinhayley Posts: 10
    That's such an admirable mission, I definitely think you can do it :) Feel free to add me, I'm new too but hoping to be very active and not get side tracked again!
  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62

    Im new aswell, joined on Monday.

    i hope we can all keep each other going!

    good luck everyone :)