Getting back up after a fall

Ok, so I need a little motivation. I'm in kind of 'fake it til you make it' mode right now, meaning I'm going through the motions, but am really fighting the frustration and the slip-ups. This summer has been tough on my weight loss efforts. My daughter twirls baton competatively, so we spend many weekends at these competitions where the motto is 'hurry up and wait.' These days are filled with lots of sitting and not so great food choices...or even with good food choices, lots of bored eating.

My birthday was the middle of this month and I was so excited because I was 1.8 pounds away from a 40lb loss. I thought for sure I could do it for my birthday. Then TOM decided to rear his ugly head, my loving husband bought a dozen cannoli's (a huge weakness for me!) in lieu of a birthday cake and we had a birthday dinner at the local mexican restaurant. Needless to say, I didn't meet that goal, but I tried to not harp on it. Then we traveled to another competition and a weekend full of bad food really didn't help at all. Instead of being down the 1.8lbs, I'm up 3 more pounds. Not the direction I want to go in at all.

But, instead of quitting (which is what 'fat Brandy' would have done in the past), I'm pulling ahead. I can't change the choices I made last week and the week before, but I can make better choices now. However, Nationals is in 2 weeks, which means a whole week of 'vacation' for us. I'm worried because we tend to eat fast food and I am bad about choosing a salad when we're trying to eat on the go. I was really hoping to be down at least another 10 pounds by this time in my weight loss journey and I'm really fighting the frustration that I'm not.

And I have checked my measurements. I'm a pear shape, so my bra band has gone way down while my hips and waist are showing small changes. But, they're changes, so I'll take them.

Anyway, thanks for reading my ramble. I'm just really fighting this frustraion right now and needed to get it out someplace with people who would understand.


  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Oh Brandy - don't be so hard on yourself. You've lost over 35 pounds! WOW. I have three girls and I know the feeling of "hurry up and wait" and bad food choices on the road. Just try to cut back on something to give yourself a little "jump start". Maybe choose the hamburger but forego the fries. You'll feel motivated that you were able to do that. Allow yourself small accomplishments each day. You are worth it. :happy:

    My name is Laurie and you can friend me if you'd like!
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    Brandy, I'm doing the exact same thing right now. I wanted to be at my goal weight by my 40th birthday (end of August), but it's just not happening. I feel like I'm doing all the right things and nothing is coming off. Summer is hard for me because the kids are home and I have more snack foods around the house for them. My daughter is a competitive gymnast, so I get that too. Luckily, she doesn't have meets during the summer, so there's no "hurry up and wait" right now.

    Hang in there! We can do this! Just take it one day at a time....
  • Lora1279
    Lora1279 Posts: 5 Member
    What can I say besides "it happens"? The good thing is that your mentality in this situation has changed from in the past. Instead of giving up, you're getting back to it. That's awesome! It is definitely a difficult thing to do, but look at how far you've come! So you gained a couple of pounds back. That will be gone again in no time, plus more! Everyone needs a little break now and then. In fact, it might even help to trick your body. Remember how fast you lose weight at the beginning of a diet? Your body needs a little switch up now and then to keep from getting stuck in a rut. So, just think of it as helping your weight loss kick off again. :)