The greatest feeling in the world...

This is the greatest feeling in the world. Applied to anything, not just exercise. When you accomplish something when you didn't think you could. So always push yourself as you never know what you are capable of unless you try.


I've got a slow day at work, so thought I could try and be some motivation today! Get out there and push! :)

P.S. I try and post motivation everyday on my new FB page @ hope to see you there!


"Lift Heavy!" Run Hard!" =D


  • Life_Is_Good2_Me
    Life_Is_Good2_Me Posts: 36 Member
    It is the greatest feeling when you accomplish something (especially in fitness) that you have been working for and thought you couldn NOT do and never could see yourself doing. It's people like you, Jenae, that give "us", the ones working for the ultimate goal of health and fitness, hope to keep going and working hard!!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    awwww! I love being able to motivate! it's amazing how much the feedback others give me motivates me to push my self further, which then motivates others.. A great circle to be in! =D
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    if you could help motivate me to stick to this 100g of carbs thing i would love you forever! lol, i am sitting here daydreaming about bananas and prunes...there has got to be something wrong with me! haha :)
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    if you could help motivate me to stick to this 100g of carbs thing i would love you forever! lol, i am sitting here daydreaming about bananas and prunes...there has got to be something wrong with me! haha :)

    If your craving, it's usually because you're lacking something. Is there a chance your lacking potassium? If your feeling hunger.. try steaming/stir-frying (my fav is minced garlic and soy sauce over any type of veggie) a cup or two of veggies.. You'll be full and satisfied. I never felt satisfied after raw veggies, but I do when I cook em.. not sure why but that's what worked for me!