
Hello Everyone

I joined on Monday and im hoping to lose a stone. Im not massively overweight but heavier than id like to be, but thats why we are all here i guess!

3yrs ago i was under alot of stress and due to not eating much i was on, pretty much a liquid diet of alcohol, i lost 4 stone. Im in a much better place these days and it shows...ive put a stone back on in the last 12 months so im on a mission to remove it!

I exercise 4 times a week a mixture of strength training, curcuits, cardio and abs but my issue is portion control and my vices are Cheese and Mayo!

This week ive eaten very healthily and i feel so much better for it.

I also suffer with IBS and acid reflux so the heavier i am, the worse and more often the symptoms get. I have only had stomach ache once this week! :)

ive tried every diet under the sun so this time im doing it the old fashioned way...healthy eating and regular exercise. I havent set myself any time limits to lose the weight, i just look at it as working progress.

Good luck everyone, lets hope we can all motivate each other to achieve our goals.


  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62
    no replies..:(

    thats really i that scary????
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Hey there. Feel free to add me if you'd like, I can be a good cheerleader. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    No way are you scary. You are very pretty. I keep repeating myself but I do believe it is very difficult to lose weight when not obese. I need to go from 75.5 Kilos down to 65. That is the reason I am here. Lose it now it only gets more difficult as we grow older. I am 65. Tinlis
  • mrsmcg97
    mrsmcg97 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi I am on day three this time so far so good. What, if any program are you following? I am doing south beach. I gained 30 pounds with a combination of vacationing in Mexico and quitting smoking now I just have to get this weight off.
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Scary? Far from it, sometimes we get replies to our posts and sometimes we don't, but you shouldn't let that deter you. There are tons of people that can support you and can motivate you! I'm one of them, so feel free to add me as a friend. Like you said, we're all here for the same thing and that's to lose weight!
  • handle123
    handle123 Posts: 62
    Thanks Guys... i was getting a bit paranoid i was a "post killer" lol

    Im not following any particular diet, just cutting out the fat, trying to eat healthy and sticking to my 1200 calories a day. Im also exercising as much as i can fit in a week. I do double classes on Mon and Thurs.

    Mon - Pump fx and Pilates
    Thurs - Abs Blast and Aerofit

    Then in between i visit the gym where ive had a personal trainer create a programme for me to follow, its interval training with strength training after.

    looking forward to everyones updates xx