Anyone doing just "soft" exercises? Yoga, walks, etc.



  • jumatwins
    jumatwins Posts: 74
    Wow. I can’t believe how much beautiful and inspiring responses everyone gave me... It’s just confirming what I already felt inside: trust my body and respect myself! I agree that with time, maybe I will actually want to do more high intensity cardio, or maybe not, and that is ok. For now, I do what I enjoy and it works fine for me for now. I don’t have a lot of weight to loose, I just want to feel good and be more active than I was before (wasn’t doing any exercise but already eating healthy at least ). Honestly, I see the changes in my body (toning up – which is what I want) with what I am doing right now, so I will definitely stick with that for now. Once I feel it becomes too ‘easy’ for me, I will increase the challenge a bit, maybe by doing the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga…:-) Your picture is very inspiring @Kara xxx !! I do regular Hatha Yoga now, but I think I will soon challenge myself to do more!

    Again, thank you everyone. Feel free to friend request me…I would surely enjoy keeping contact with people who share the same philosophy :-)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm just wondering if anyone is “just” doing soft exercises like yoga, pilates, walks, plus some strength and abs training…?
    Are you getting any results? I am. I am watching my calories and doing these soft exercises.

    I feel I should respect myself and do the exercises I enjoy?

    These are "soft" exercises??? The yoga DVD on P90x is easily the hardest workout I do, and I've tried quite a few things. Never tried pilates, but it looks like it would be taxing and the women who do them at the place down the street from my house look awesome. Recently there was a guy I would see around but hadn't seen in about a year. Guy was huge. Not overly fat huge, but a real big, strong guy. Maybe 6'4" 260ish. I ran into him recently and he was skinny. Almost didn't recognize him. Asked what he did so I could do it too. "Just a lot of walking, nothing else" was what he told me.

    I've had to rely on these "soft" exercises many times in my life while rehabbing from various sports injuries, and they are just fine. Unless your goals are to be a hardcore athlete, you should be able to accomplish whatever you want from the things on your list. As a general rule, you should enjoy everything you do in life, ESPECIALLY exercise. So choose whatever you like to do, and enjoy.

    Much respect.
  • tleach731
    tleach731 Posts: 6
    I started out by only walking about 30 minutes a day. I still walk now (almost a year later) but I've added in Hot Yoga. Do what is best for you and what you like to do. Don't feel guilty either.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I walk every day. I live on a mountain and the entire walk is up and down hill. I walk at a good pace for 30 minutes - my heart rate is up and I work out a sweat. I don't consider it "soft", just low impact. I also do yoga and pilates, which is great strength training. I also golf, which seems "soft", but actually burns quite a lot of calories.
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    I do about an hr of yoga and get a pretty decent burn but I also alternate between bike ride, jogging, walking, strength training :)