Hi Everybody :-)

Just got started on MFP yesterday & plan to give this my best shot!

I have a little less than 20 lbs to lose, but have noticed that it isn't quite as easy to take off as it used to be now that I am in my 40's.

I really need to become much more active & it will be great to get some motivation & accountability here!

I am a single mom with an 8 y/o son & really want to get fit to keep up with him. I also want to be a good role model to show what a healthy lifestyle, diet, & exercise routine really is. My goal is to get fit & tone up. Ultimately, I hope to have boundless energy like my son ;-)

I have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend who is in fantastic shape ~ so that is added encouragement for me to get this job done!

So, thats it for my introduction ... look foward to meeting you all & have a great day!