Working out at night time.

I have always heard that it is a bad idea to exercise at night time. That is going to be the only time available for me to exercise. (After the kids go to sleep.) So what's the big deal? My options at this point are diet only, or diet and exercise at night.

I am asking this here because I have been reading about how it's not necessary to eat breakfast if you don't want to. So obviously, I have been hearing a bunch of myths and letting them derail my health.

I need some good info!


  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I have never once exercised in the morning, most of mine are after work and I've lost 33 lbs and couting :) IMHO moving regardless of the time of day is always better than sititng on the couch
  • BeautifulBetsy
    BeautifulBetsy Posts: 60 Member
    I workout a night too. I'm never sure what I should be eating before and after my workout, cause I basically workout and then hit the sheets and I don't want food just sitting in my guts all night long. I do know that strength training is good at night cause then you rest and let those muscle repair themselves!
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    exercise is exercise. If you can only do it at night, at least you are doing it! Don't let anything keep you from being healthy. It's not like your body is saying, oops, its after 7pm, I am going to stop working the way I was created to now. Just move that body!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Yep! I almost always end up exercising at night.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I have two kids so sometimes exercising in the morning or afternoon is NOT an option. I say, exercise when it's most convenient for you. Better than not exercising at all....
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    As long as it doesnt keep you awake at night, I wouldnt see a problem with it.
  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    I exercise in the evenings, after work. I've lost 30 lbs so far. I think you should do it when you can fit it in. If you're hungry for breakfast, eat it. If not, don't.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    The only bad thing I can see about it is if it revvs you up and you can't sleep til like dawn.
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I only don't work out at night time because it would take so much longer to fall asleep! If it works for you, why not? It's all about calories in and calories out. A calorie burned is the same no matter what time.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    It's ok to workout at night. The only downsides to it is that you won't burn off the fat as quickly, and you might have a harder time getting a good night's sleep. The reason for both of these is because working out increases your heart rate over a period of time after you've finished. Keeping your heart rate up during the day burns more calories, but if you go straight to bed, your heart rate will settle faster, reducing that added bonus.

    As for sleeping, it's pretty much explains itself. Your heart should be slow and relaxed when you're trying to sleep. Not jacked up from a good workout.

    Perhaps you may want to try going to bed earlier and waking up earlier to get your workout in before the kids wake up? If you do it outside, the air will be cooler, fresher, and cleaner in the morning than in the evening.

    If you're looking to build strength, at night is better than morning for the reasons posted earlier in this thread.
  • brittany17love
    brittany17love Posts: 66 Member
    I excersise in midday but that's only because it's my ONLY free time when my daughter takes her nap. I can't excersise at night because aat night I tend to be lazy. Plus I sweat more during the day so it helps me to shed some more weight. If the nightime is the only time you can do it, GO FOR IT! At least your doing it! Nothing wrong with that.
  • apilant
    apilant Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I generally have to workout at night after the kiddos go to bed and my husband is home(so I can go run). I will say that doing this two years ago, I lost 25 lbs that way. I prefer morning workouts way more than night ones because they seem to boost you more for the day, but I believe that a workout at anytime of day vs. no working out is better for you!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Exercise at night is better than not at all.

    Most of my exercise is at night too.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I work out when ever I have the time/energy. I try to get my Bikram Yoga in early just because its hot in Vegas but otherwise a good night run rules.
  • Prettygirl150
    Prettygirl150 Posts: 31 Member
    I exercise at night and all I want to do is go to sleep afterwards, lol ... the best time to exercise is the time you can fit it in, so if that is night then do it ... don't let all these crazy myths confuse you ... and definitely eat breakfast, so you can get that metabolism going for the day. I eat every 2-3 hours ...
  • brownju
    brownju Posts: 24 Member
    I say it doesn't matter when you work out. I have heard people that work out at night have trouble sleeping and I also have heard it helps them sleep. I think everyone is different. As far as breakfast goes...don't go without it!! Your body needs that jump start in the morning. I have read several places that when a person eats a good breakfast they eat less throughout the day. I ALWAYS eat eggs in the morning. It keeps me full until lunch!
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    I get so tired after a workout, I only workout at night and it helps me sleep. I don't know if it's better for the body in the morning or not but I know if you can't workout in the morning working out at night is better than no workout at all. good luck to you :smile:
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    Unless I get up at 3:30 a.m., and I don't see that happening, my only choice is to workout at night. Sometimes I do have a difficult time falling asleep if I do it too late. If I'm done by 10, then I usually don't have a problem. I don't go to bed until 11:30 or 12:00. I get up at five, and start the crazyness all over again! :happy:
  • I used to work out in the evenings but I, personally, prefer to workout in the mornings.
    And I have lost more weight working out in the mornings. But that's just me.
    If working out in the evenings is working for you then do it!!
  • KXanthos
    KXanthos Posts: 189 Member
    It really depends on YOU in my opinion. Personally, I get so pumped up after a workout that if I workout at night I just can't sleep. Whereas, even if I have to get up at 5:30 am to do it, a morning workout gets my blood pumping and energizes me for the day. Everyone is different....