What to do with mushrooms



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Mushrooms make great sauces and gravies because they contain so much water. Just put them in a deep skillet with a little olive oil (or fat of your choice) over medium heat, cover and let them sweat until they are tender and you will have a lot of mushroom water in the pan. Add a little flour, corn starch or other thickening agent and let cook for minute or two, then add liquid (white wine, stock or broth, milk or cream, etc.), season to taste and simmer until to desired thickness.

    Mushrooms are also a great sidedish all one their own. Just season with a little black pepper and saute with a little oil until softened, or roast them in the oven or on a grill.

    Portabella caps make great burgers, either in addition to or instead of a meat patty. Or grind or chop the mushroom right into the meat. This is a great way to add moisture to lean ground meat.
  • ash012
    ash012 Posts: 34 Member
    I put mushrooms in almost EVERYTHING! I put them in my taco meat, in my eggs, in my potatoes, in my veggies. I fry them in the pan with my steaks. MMM Making me hungry. lol
  • gerald1019
    gerald1019 Posts: 24 Member
    There is a great recipe on www.eatingwell.com for portabello quesadillos. I've tried these for Meatless Monday and they are very good. They have several other recipes on there for mushrooms too.
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    Raw mushroom sandwich..wholemeal bread of course.. or on crackers... or in EVERYTHING!!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    What CAN'T you do with mushrooms! I love mushrooms.

    I can easily replace the 'meat' in pasta dishes with mushrooms.

    Stuffed mushrooms are also delicious. I'll go find my mushroom recipe book in my storage room...
  • rocakes
    rocakes Posts: 44
    A simple easy recipe!!!

    Take baby bella or just white mushrooms(take out stem) stuff them with Light Altouette Gourmet cheese pop in the over for 15 minutes and its a delicious stuffed mushroom!!! I used to live on them
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 411 Member
    ^ how could one do that without a grill?

    Broiler or even a toaster oven, or even a fry pan. Basically anything with a directed source of heat
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    I love mushrooms but I only have one recipe for them! Anybody have any ideas?

    My ONE mushroom recipe (I do a modified version of the Hungry Girl mushroom foil pack)

    For one person take 1 BIG portabello mushroom (try and get one that's quite bowl-like, not a flat or convex one). Scrub it or peel it, snap off the stem.

    Dice up a small-medium yellow zucchini squash
    Dice up a few tablespoons of onion
    Mix those things with 2 laughing cow cheese triangles (I use lite)
    Add whatever spices you like (garlic, basil, salt, pepper, whatever)

    Stuff the mixture into/onto the portabello and bake on a baking tray (no foil wrap needed) at 425 for 20 minutes.
    Let it cool for a few minutes and then NOM NOM NOM!

    According to my food diary it has 122 cal, 18 carbs, 3 fat, 8 protein.

    Thanks for this! I'm going to have to try it! I usually make omelets with them or cook them in a pan with other veggies and a tbs of oil.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I cut calories in my burgers & meat loaf by using a combo of lean beef, diced mushrooms & ground turkey instead of straight beef.

    bulk up spaghetti sauce without adding a ton of meat by sauteing diced mushrooms, onions and garlic cloves with about 1/4 lb of ground turkey or beef. oh and the same with chilli! I use 1/3 beef, 1/3 turkey and 1/3 diced mushrooms.

    I stuff them with pretty much whatever I can find in the fridge. fill with spaghetti sauce and top with italian cheeses & parmesan cheese and a turkey or regular peperoni for mushroom pizzas. pre-bake with spaghetti sauce then add a few cooked noodles, a little more spaghetti sauce to cover the noodles and top with parm cheese for "spaghetti" stuffed shrooms and bake till the parm cheese is browned (gives a lot of good flavor and a little pasta while drastically cutting the calories of a traditional dish of pasta!).

    I pan fry with balsamic and fill with sauteed spinach & pesto and top with brie or chevre and eat it on a sandwich thin.

    I love mushrooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    Just remembered another one - mushroom risotto! One of my all time favourite dinners.

    I'm really bad at amounts, so it's probably best to look up a recipe, but the basic ingredients are arborio rice, mushrooms, garlic, white wine, and stock. And salt and pepper and parsley. Oh and you can add parmaesan if you like :)
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    My favorite thing to do with a Portobello mushroom is to bake it with an egg in it. I absolutely love it.

    1 large portobello mushroom cap (about 4-5" across), cleaned and stem cut out
    1 large egg
    1/2 TBSP olive oil
    salt & pepper
    fresh dill, rosemary & basil, chopped

    1. Rub olive oil on the inside and outside of the portobello mushroom. Season with salt & pepper and sprinkle with half the herbs.
    2. Place on cookie sheet and crack egg into the cap. Sprinkle with remaining herbs.
    3. Bake for 10-12 minutes (or until yolk is as done as you like) at 300. So delicious!

    *I have on occasion sprinkled a TBSP or two of reduced fat cheese prior to baking for a few extra but cheesy calories and my BF likes to sprinkle some crumbled browned ground turkey (that had some italian seasoning, garlic & fennel seed used to season it to give it a sausage like flavor) on top.
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    As an alternative, lower fat option, to stuffing portobello mushrooms with cheese, you could try scrambling up some silken tofu with some minced garlic, chopped chillies, chopped ginger, and soy sauce. For some tanginess sprinkle over some chopped kaffir lime leaves, and/or lime juice.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    My mushroom recipes tend to be very, very simple. Haha.

    I usually just make mushroom soup or steam them along with broccoli and chicken.
  • leighlyn
    leighlyn Posts: 60 Member
    portabella mushrooms , 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, one egg or two if you want, some seasonings,( i also use peppers) bake in oven viola yummy low cal quiche! Without the crust!
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    <3 add mushrooms to anything!
    I love mine cooked on a skillet with sweet onions and sesame seeds, and whatever other veggie tickles my fancy that day and then served over brown rice or cous cous!
  • MrsCheky
    MrsCheky Posts: 8
    Sounds yummy, Iove mushrooms too and I'm always looking for ideas!!!!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    skinnytaste.com has a chicken in a white wine and mushroom sauce omg to die for!

  • BG10708
    BG10708 Posts: 91 Member
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I don't know how I stumbled across this website... but there is actually a website dedicated to getting people eating more mushrooms with plenty of recipes:

  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Claim Jumper Restaurant had an interesting burger on their menu. Instead of the meat patty, they used a portabello cap. The burger didn't suffer taste-wise. I'd have it again!

    One of my brothers was once given a block of mushroom spores. The block had three different kinds of mushrooms on it; he had to keep it damp and cool. It was great to see the mushrooms growing. But where to find the blocks?