Meso-endomorph: tips on losing fat/maintaining muscle?


A meso-endomorph here. Strong for my size but I have more body fat than desireable (probably 26-27%). Definitely skinny fat.

I was wondering because it is harder for me to lose fat, how much cardio (what cardio too) and how much weight lifting I should do every week.

Also how much room do I have for "off" days where I don't keep track of food....and is aiming for 30% protein, 20% fat and 50% carbs good?



  • AshleyMariani
    AshleyMariani Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Everet,
    I too am an Meso Endo and ive been doing a lot of research on how to get my body fat below 20%, while still maintaining my muscularity and feminine look.

    Overall Endo's gain fat AND muscle easily. so i'd say im more endo then meso, If i eat too many carbs i pack on the pounds in a day! That being said, my carb intake (starchy carbs) is less then 10% of my day. The majority is proteins and fats, and then leafy greens, with a small amount of starch right after my workout or right in the morning. ex. two rice cakes (brown rice no salt) with two fried eggs (fried in coconut oil or EVOO)

    Cardio and super sets for us is HUGE, as well as eating every three hours and drinking 4L or more of water a day!

    Remember though, you cant lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, so its either or. if your happy with your muscle tone keep with supersets of lower weights and high reps, if you want to gain, dont worry about cardio and just focus on diet. If you want to lose weight, stick with cardio.

    hope that was a bit of insight.