Snack Attack

nrbromert Posts: 44 Member
This is my first real attempt at dieting. Its something that I have needed to do for a LONG time. Reaching a high of 360lbs I need to make life changes for myself and those around me.

My problem is I just started a few days ago and am hungry about 2 hours after I eat a meal. What gives? I am not sure what to do. I have tried apples and a small bit of cheese but that only puts the hunger at bay for a short while.

Anyone have any go to snacks that fill them up?


  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Foods high in protein tend to fill me up. Bits of cheese and apple really isn't going to do much for you. For your weight, you should be eating at least 2000+ calories to be able to sustain your weight, depending how how old you are, how tall you are and your gender.

    Is it possible you could open your diary so we can see what you are eating throughout the day?
  • nrbromert
    nrbromert Posts: 44 Member
    Ya I would love to open it up just not sure how.

    I'm a big guy in general. 6'4" 30yrs old
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    If you go to "My Home" > Settings > Diary Settings > Public

    It should be at the bottom of that last page.

    Anyway, I calculated how much you should be eating to stay around your weight if you did no exercise at all and it's about 3000 calories. So depending on your activity level, you could probably get away with eating 2000 calories for a 2lb a week weight loss. Just make sure you are eating exercise calories or at least half of them. You could do 1lb a week if you wanted to, I read the slower you lose weight, the lower chance you will put it back on. Some people tend to lose tons of weight too quickly and go back to there habits and usually don't learn anything.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Looking at your diary, yesterday you didn't really eat enough. You could try splitting 5 meals equally throughout the day which would be about 470 per meal.

    If you keep it up with 470 a meal and stay within your calorie goal you will definitely see results. I'm mainly a 3 meal kind of person. If I feel a little hungry in between meals or I fancy something, I will have it, but I generally try to hit my macros for each meal before I start snacking on something.

    This could be fruit, slices of ham, cereal, a bit of ice cream, dark chocolate, etc. Everyone does it differently. Some people will consume more calories from snacks than meals. You will find a plan that works for you and it becomes natural and you will get used to it and stop feeling hungry not long after eating.

    Also, drink plenty of fluids. Hunger can also be mistaken for being thirsty.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Oh wow. Yeah, I eat at least 1800 calories a day and I'm a girl 10 inches shorter then you.

    Protein is your friend. It is slower to digest so it keeps you fuller longer.

    Meal timing and how much you eat at each meal is totally personal preference. If you think eating a big breakfast will keep you full til you can eat a big dinner, maybe that's the way to go. I personally eat small and then eat a big dinner so I don't feel like I'm going to bed hungry and I have more calories to snack with.

    Veggies. Find some that you really enjoy and eat lots of them. I eat a lot of green beans because they're like 20 calories for a cup so I can eat pretty much as much as I want to feel full.

    For snacks themselves, I love crackers. I probably eat a pack a day. PB crackers, cheese crackers ect. That with maybe something like V8 and a string cheese will hold you over then an apple. A lot of people think dieting is all or nothing but you can figure out ways to work in better things without feeling like you're starving all the time.
  • tkbronico
    tkbronico Posts: 58
    Try peanut butter on your apple instead of cheese for the protein. Also, fresh veggies with hummus has protein and isn't terrible in fat and calories. My trainer has encouraged frequent healthy snacks to avoid that hungry feeling and risk of overeating. Protein powder can be mixed with many things to keep you fuller longer as well, and helps build lean muscle if you are working out too. Good luck!!
  • nrbromert
    nrbromert Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the info. I never really though about the protein idea but that makes complete since.

    I have heard of people using dried peanut butter and dipping apples and bananas in it. I would assume normal peanut butter is the same.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Thanks for the info. I never really though about the protein idea but that makes complete since.

    I have heard of people using dried peanut butter and dipping apples and bananas in it. I would assume normal peanut butter is the same.

    There are some PB substitutes that some people really like but for me, it's peanut butter all the way. A tablespoon or two is a good thing to add into your diet because of the healthy fats it has. I don't eat it often enough for it to be something I worry too much about. A PB and J sandwich with an apple is always a great idea too.