Let's try this again, shall we?

Why hello there, myfitnesspal community! My name is Kayla and I confess that I am a recovering picky eater. What this means, ladies and gentlemen, is that I have been eating garbage from infancy to my college graduation. Yikes, right? I have no memory of what it's like to be below a jean size 14, and I secretly fantasize about what it'd be like to go into a store and pick out what I think is cute rather than what I think MAY fit. I really like clothes and fashion and all that jazz, but for right now I settle for dressing up other people because it's easier.

Well, although I don't officially have a ring on the finger yet, my boyfriend (Who has put up with me for six years as of last week, God bless him) and I have been talking (rather enthusiastically on his part) about the whole "getting married" thing. Well, I've been saving for that dress for years now, and I'm not about to have my selection limited by what I can "fit into". Nuh uh. The chub has got to go.

That and it would be REALLY nice to continue to be the only one in my immediate family WITHOUT diabetes. That would be swell.

All that biographical garbage aside: I like friends. I kinda just like people in general. And support systems are good. =D


  • angelicahinkle
    Im right there with you. I have alot to lose and am getting married probably late next year and dont want to end up in a particular dress just because it fits I want a stunning dress that i pick out. I want to get healthy for myself and my future family. My fiance has a daughter and I would like to add to that family but I have to get myself in check first.
  • dmossett
    dmossett Posts: 24
    Welcome Kayla. I am right there with you. I am getting married in August and have my first dress fitting in a couple of weeks. I hope to God that dress still fits.