
Im a mom of two very pickie girls age 3 and 16 months. my fiance is in the national guard and is gone alot. I still have baby weight from having both my girls but i want to lose it and fast. my fiance is overseas in kuwait and will be back in a few weeks and i wanna suprise him with how much ive lost but one problems... i dont know any gluten free sugar free dairy free stuff at all and all i've found looks like slop or is meatloaf and i almost hate meat i barely eat it all. do you have and trips please help!


  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Why are you eating gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free?
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    How much are you trying to lose in a few weeks?
  • Its healthy and my fiance comes home so i want to look amazing for wen he comes home. and about at least 15 pound the next 8 or 8 weeks
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    There are lots of gluten free foods. You can visit the coeliac websites to find stuff, but anything fresh ie fruits/veg even cheese, eggs, tuna, salmon etc (protein) will not contain gluten. You can buy gluten free bread or make it yourself. a lot of soups do not contain gluten.

    Is it because you have coeliacs?

    As someone else has asked why no dairy and no sugar? If it is due to a health related issues then maybe you should see a dietician as your other half is national guard maybe you have access to some free health care?
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Why not try some exercise walking with the children put the little one in a stroller. Just eat healthily you don`t have to cut out whole food groups to lose weight. Depending on your weight at the moment and a little post natal baby weight exercise and healthy eating could be the way to go.
  • O trust me i walk alot. a least an hours a day plus i take my kids to the pool almost everyday and it's a 25 min walk to the pool. and the no sugar cause i hear the less sugar the better and the the no dairy cause it's really been hurting my stomach laitly like ill drink a glass of chocolate milk as a guilty pleasure and about 30 mins later i feel bloated so i'm trying to if possible cut it all out or enough for me not to be bloated i can cook with it and i'm fine but straight and it's bad.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Oh that`s great that you are getting in the walking :-)

    Yep a lot of carbs hold sugar in them. Are you tracking it in your diary?
    And if the chocolate milk makes you feel bloated then swap it for some water?

    Have you got probs with the gluten/dairy/sugar otherwise?

    If not then if you follow MFP guide lines and stay below your sugar/sodium (it is a good thing to track) then you should be able to lose weight at a regular pace.

    I know you want to look great for your partner, but set your goal to maybe 1lb a week and if you lose more then it is a bonus. I am sure he will love you just for wanting to look great for him :-)