21 day juice fast



  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    Bad idea! Even if you are adding protein you are literally just eating sugar for 21 days! Plus you will likely gain it back, Be careful!
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    If you are going to fast or cleanse your body, do it for your intestines sake of taking a rest from all the crap we normally shove in there. To do a fast or cleanse for weight loss, although tempting, never ends well unfortunately. If you go into the fast with the right mindset, like wanting to rest your mind and organs and just getting in tune with yourself and differentiating true hunger from cravings or false hunger then I would say go for it. It really helped me to understand when my body needed nutrition and when I was just being a pansy *kitten* who wanted to shove chips into her mouth.

    Key thing I believe when doing a fast is listen to your body. Some people have no problem with fasting for 10, 20, 30 days even. It is possible. But don't push yourself into anything your body isnt ready for :)

    I would start out with a clean diet for a couple weeks then if you still want to do a fast start with a juice fast for a short duration of time. You can blend spinach into your juice! Make all different kinds, your body can easily get essential nutrients to sustain itself for a short period of time through healthy fresh juices.

    Something I would reccommend (NOT on a daily basis) is the salt water flush. Look it up if your interested. It's a natural way to clean out your intestines just make sure to do it properly and not very often. Be warned don't leave the house a couple hours after you've done it. For real...

    Good luck :)
  • katmariew
    katmariew Posts: 87 Member
    Any fast is a bad idea.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    If you are going to fast or cleanse your body, do it for your intestines sake of taking a rest from all the crap we normally shove in there. To do a fast or cleanse for weight loss, although tempting, never ends well unfortunately. If you go into the fast with the right mindset, like wanting to rest your mind and organs and just getting in tune with yourself and differentiating true hunger from cravings or false hunger then I would say go for it. It really helped me to understand when my body needed nutrition and when I was just being a pansy *kitten* who wanted to shove chips into her mouth.

    Key thing I believe when doing a fast is listen to your body. Some people have no problem with fasting for 10, 20, 30 days even. It is possible. But don't push yourself into anything your body isnt ready for :)

    I would start out with a clean diet for a couple weeks then if you still want to do a fast start with a juice fast for a short duration of time. You can blend spinach into your juice! Make all different kinds, your body can easily get essential nutrients to sustain itself for a short period of time through healthy fresh juices.

    Something I would reccommend (NOT on a daily basis) is the salt water flush. Look it up if your interested. It's a natural way to clean out your intestines just make sure to do it properly and not very often. Be warned don't leave the house a couple hours after you've done it. For real...

    Good luck :)
    thank you for this post. do you think that juice fasting might heal one from binging- or compound the issue
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I disagree with most of the responses here. I did a juice fast for about 5 days back in February. I didn't experience any bad effects, lost weight and felt great. I have since changed my diet to a primarily whole foods, plant based diet and feel that the juice fast gave me a jump start and changed my cravings. I haven't gained any of the weight back. I still enjoy freshly-juiced produce regularly. I thought I had a pretty healthy diet before, but now feel I was lacking in the benefits that a large volume of produce can bring. I don't have any direct experience of fasting for 21 days though.

    There is a group on this site specific to juice fasting, you can find it from doing a search. There you can read about the experiences of people who have tried this.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    I disagree with most of the responses here. I did a juice fast for about 5 days back in February. I didn't experience any bad effects, lost weight and felt great. I have since changed my diet to a primarily whole foods, plant based diet and feel that the juice fast gave me a jump start and changed my cravings. I haven't gained any of the weight back. I still enjoy freshly-juiced produce regularly. I thought I had a pretty healthy diet before, but now feel I was lacking in the benefits that a large volume of produce can bring. I don't have any direct experience of fasting for 21 days though.
    THANK YOU!!!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    You're welcome. After you replied to my post, I edited it to add this information that you might find helpful:

    "There is a group on this site specific to juice fasting, you can find it from doing a search. There you can read about the experiences of people who have tried this."
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I love how you clearly just want some self justification here. Do whatever you want to do. Don't ask for opinions and then only listen to the ones that you feel support you.

    The fact of the matter is... you could just change your diet and eating habits and be done with it... juicing or fasting isn't going to "kick start your weight loss" or anything else. OR more importantly, teach you proper eating habits and be sustainable. Thats why I personally wouldn't do it.

    But hey, do whatever you want to do ;)
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    You're welcome. After you replied to my post, I edited it to add this information that you might find helpful:

    "There is a group on this site specific to juice fasting, you can find it from doing a search. There you can read about the experiences of people who have tried this."
    what group?
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I love how you clearly just want some self justification here. Do whatever you want to do. Don't ask for opinions and then only listen to the ones that you feel support you.

    The fact of the matter is... you could just change your diet and eating habits and be done with it... juicing or fasting isn't going to "kick start your weight loss" or anything else. OR more importantly, teach you proper eating habits and be sustainable. Thats why I personally wouldn't do it.

    But hey, do whatever you want to do ;)
    I agree with what you said and your square black head, rainbowbow.

    You're not really surprised someone posted a seemingly neutral question (just looking for information) on MFP, and then turned out to have an agenda/intention already planned and was simply looking for justification, are you?

    OP - your profile mentions BMR, TDEE and states you are not into starvation diets. Are you planning on maintaining your goal of 1688 cals on juice and beans? For how long?
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    I love how you clearly just want some self justification here. Do whatever you want to do. Don't ask for opinions and then only listen to the ones that you feel support you.

    The fact of the matter is... you could just change your diet and eating habits and be done with it... juicing or fasting isn't going to "kick start your weight loss" or anything else. OR more importantly, teach you proper eating habits and be sustainable. Thats why I personally wouldn't do it.

    But hey, do whatever you want to do ;)
    I agree with what you said and your square black head, rainbowbow.

    You're not really surprised someone posted a seemingly neutral question (just looking for information) on MFP, and then turned out to have an agenda/intention already planned and was simply looking for justification, are you?

    OP - your profile mentions BMR, TDEE and states you are not into starvation diets. Are you planning on maintaining your goal of 1688 cals on juice and beans? For how long?
    Yes, I was planning on maintaining my goal calories, but with juice, protein powder and oats/grains blended into the juice. I was hoping to do mostly veggie juice. As for an agenda, I am fascinated with the concept of juice fasting, and would love to give it a try- in a non-starvation manner.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    Oh, and for the people who are unsupportive of juice fasting- I get it, it is not for everyone. I should have added in my first post that I was in favor of trying it. Thank you for all the posts, those in favor and those not.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    this is how i feel about it:

    eat right.work hard.period.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do a water fast for a few days.
    can't imagine doing it for weeks.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    this is how i feel about it:

    eat right.work hard.period.
    LOL, I acually relate to that pic! When I was in school last year, I tried juice fasting... not good. I guess I am hoping It will not be so bad now...
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Yes, I was planning on maintaining my goal calories, but with juice, protein powder and oats/grains blended into the juice. I was hoping to do mostly veggie juice. As for an agenda, I am fascinated with the concept of juice fasting, and would love to give it a try- in a non-starvation manner.
    Cool. Doesn't sound like you are doing anything too crazy. "Juicing" can mean a variety of things to people here, and many of us are sensitive to people preaching unhealthy, quick-weight-loss diets. If you are getting your calories and macro nutrients, then your plan sounds fine to me. But why not just eat the fruit and vegetables?

    Not trying to knock your juicing plan, or fascination with juicing. I enjoy a 24 oz Red Dawn at Whole Foods once a week or so (carrot, spinach and beet juice). But I also eat lots of fruit and vegetables by chewing them. Are you simply trying to increase your fruit and veggie intake?

    You titled this thread "21 Day Juice Fast" - I searched and couldn't find any that included protein powder, beans, oats and grains as part of the fast. Most often, the notion of "fasting diets" is to create rapid weight loss. I know people talk of a "cleansing" component, but you haven't talked about that, and this forum has plenty of discussion about that anyway.

    To me, you seem stuck. You seem frustrated about your weight loss. I don't know you or your story, but your profile (which I assume you created when you started) paints a different picture than what you stated a few hours ago:
    I know, I just keep looking for a quick way out of this fat. *sigh* I have heard of people dropping lots of weight, though.

    You are young, have lost 11 pounds already, and strike me as someone who might intuitively know that a calorie-restrictive juice diet might not be the best way to lose weight. So quit trying to convince yourself of that. Wait, I just saw your latest post and you don't even need intuition. You have actual experience that showed you juice fasting was not good for you.

    Look, juicing isn't evil. Fasting isn't either. There are possibly some benefits to juicing if you are consuming more fresh fruit and vegetables. But the sad truth is that losing weight takes time. At least losing weight in a healthy way takes time. If you are stuck, have you tried changing up your routine? Have you considered lifting weights? There are some truly awe-inspiring women on MFP that are patient, friendly and knowledgeable about lifting.

    I wish you the best and hope that you figure out a way to be happy and healthy.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    this is how i feel about it:

    eat right.work hard.period.
    LOL, I acually relate to that pic! When I was in school last year, I tried juice fasting... not good. I guess I am hoping It will not be so bad now...

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Please listen to your common sense and obviously smart brain and stick with a moderate calorie deficit and regular exercise.

    There are lots of women who have taken the time and effort to lose weight and keep it off, and I'm sure they would be very happy to see you succeed as well.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    After watching Fat, Sick and Nearly dead, a juice fast sounded like the best thing ever lol. I think I got to day 13? 14? 15? I don't recall now (this was last summer). Everyone says, oh after the first 3 days/first week, you don't feel hungry anymore and it's easy.

    That was NOT the case for me, the first week was pretty easy for me, then it just went downhill. I was SOOO hungry I spent most of the day at work fantasizing about food, even just eating fruits or veggies...ANYTHING. Then I felt nauseous, shaky, head-achy and the such all the time. So I just gave up. It definitely wasn't worth it. The only upside to it was my skin looked fantastic. Loved the juices though! I will juice some veggies for pure enjoyment of the juice once in a while, but never again will I ever try to fast. Bleh. Terrible.
    yeah, that video inspired me as well. I only lasted 4-5 days last time.

    I actually did this program and it was awesome.. My first time ever to go vegetarian and I enjoyed it. I did it for health reason, needing a cleanse, wasn't sure what the weight loss result would be but it did give me a kick start, I lost 12 pounds gained 3 back but I kept track because it didn't make since to do anything and get side track and gain it all back. I would say after doing this and I added a week to it, in total I think I did 19 days but it could have been 14 (I also did this with a friend, nice to have support outside of the house)

    I shortly had a Dr Appointment and by this time I had dropped about 20 pounds from Jan to April, my Dr was concern and advised that I only do 3 days due to the amount of exercise I do. However he did encourage it but only for short period of time, and highly recommended animal protein was needed for recovery. I haven't done it since then however contemplating another 3 days, I will also say it's pricey, vegetables cost and timing is needed. It takes a lot to do this program but I would suggest this one above any one due to the structure of it.

    My husband did this with me which made meal planning easy. He didn't want me to prepare two separate meals, he too lost weight and we are both keeping it off and have returned to eating regular food. I also weigh and measure my food for the most part which allows me to keep the weight off. So you just have to know that you would want to do any program for a lifestyle change not a temporary or quick fix. I can have the result but we have the ability to keep if off if we stick to any suggestion, and keep it going opposed to returning to bad habits.

    I say go for it if you're ready....
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I know many people here don't like the film, that's fine but you're entitled to do what you want so watch the film if you're so inclined (http://www.jointhereboot.com/ ), it's free.
    I'm basing my current 15 day plan on the one on this site: http://www.jointhereboot.com/plans/ but I'm altering it to fit my tastes and the fact that I have to cook for a family, I'm only on day 4 and I don't know if I'll do the 5 days of only juice - I'm pretty happy with the current food and juice, I may just continue what I'm doing now.
    I have a green monster smoothie every day with hemp protein and ground flax the recipe is here ==> http://greenmonstermovement.com/?page_id=39 (not on the reboot plan).
    I'm not doing this for fast weight loss, I want to get back to my plant based diet and wanted to try this plan, it's 15 days and I can quit if I feel crappy (I can quit any time - I'm not a reboot-aholic). :drinker:
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Good idea or bad?

    I would add protein powder to the juice.

    I bought a juicer and had planned to just juice in the mornings, after 3 days I gained 3lbs by the 4th day ... ( I don't eat any sugar outside of sugar from fruit ) now those 3lbs just didn't want to go away took me over a week to work them back off. So the sugar from 3 oranges 2 apples + kale, carrots,celery and beets every other day,. was just way to much. I did however instantly wake up after having it and did it ever taste good. It was just too much sugar for my body and the wake up feeling was really just a sugar rush.

    After that experience my juicer just sits on my counter now collecting dust. Once I lose more weight and am at my goal weight I will use it again but for me right now it's just not for me. Somethings to note is Celery juice helps with sleep and lemon juice helps clean your liver ... there was a few more but those are 2 things I remember.

    I don't think replacing all meals with juicing is good for your or a good idea ... but hey I'm not a doctor. Oh and to note the people referencing that movie Fat Sick and Nearly dead.... remember their fast was doctor supervised so if you choose to do it I suggest doing the same thing.