Favorite Classes and Gym Buddies

Hey, I am joining the Nuffield Gym in Plymouth, if there are any other members out there say hi.

My biggest deal with exercise is getting myself into a routine. I have a 13 week old and so routine is difficult, also maternity pay is pants and gym memberships are expensive but as soon as I am back at work I am back to the gym (only a couple of weeks to go) then its time to PLAN PLAN PLAN.
If I know my schedule I only need to do it for one week before I am addicted to the gym/classes or routine and thats when I start to really feel better, because lets face it calorie counting SUCKS! But the endorphins and adrenaline and the feeling of being fitter is so much better!!

So what is your best fitness class?

I LOVE Body Pump but CXworx is up there with it, have really enjoyed doing a few of those classes lately.