My brain is going to explode!!!!

OK so I have been working out for the last 2 months, doing about 30 - 45 mins of cardio (usually the elliptical machine) about 5 days a week, 4 days a week I attempt to lift weights using the machines at my gym. I know my weight lifting is pretty pathetic and I want to change that. There are like a hundred different machines, and free weight things, at the gym. I want to learn how to use it all and find a good routine, but after searching online for hours I am even more confused. Should I do cardio before weight lifting? Should I do fee weights, or are machines ok? Should I concentrate on only my upper body one day, then my lower body the next day? Or should I do my whole body 3 days a week? Should I stretch before or after weight lifting and cardio? Will my midsection get bigger if I do ab exercises? I have a bad shoulder and back, so I am also afraid of hurting myself. I know I should get a personal trainer but being a nursing student, I can't afford one. I am sorry if these same questions have been asked before, but thank you for helping again.


  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    While I don't have any advice for you, I'm glad you posted this because I also want to start a strength training program but am completely lost. Don't have extra money for a trainer!!! I'll be following your post to see what others have to say and hopefully we'll both get some answers.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Are you moving more than you used to?
    If so, don't sweat the details.
  • JimSkipper
    JimSkipper Posts: 5 Member
    Knd of like Captain Tightpants sais, as long as you are doing something, it is a good thing. One of the things that I have found is that for every combination of exercise you can imagine, there is an expert out there who will tell you that their way is the best way, so ultimately, you have to find what works best for you usually by experimenting and change up your routine frequently.

    Changing your routine keeps you from getting bored and keeps your body from adapting to a rythm.

    What I am doing right now is focusing on one or two muscle groups a day with heavy weightlifting followed by some short, intense cardio. It is working for me.

    I use free weights, but I have been using free weights off and on my whole life, so I understand the exercises and proper form. It also allows me to do compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups.

    However, for a beginner, using machines can be a lot safer and more convenient. Machines are designed for specific moves and muscle groups and can help you get a good foundation before trying to move on to free weights.