Why am I getting addicted to low calorie snacks?

I have never really been much of an eater, let alone a snack eater. I suffer from Crohn's so never ate big portions as it made me Ill. I dont really like crisps, and chocolate is an every now and agin thing, but I was eating high calorie foods at odd times so never lost weight through the condition, unless hospitalised.
Now that I am 3 weeks in, and have totally changed my diet and introduced low calorie snacks such as cereal bars, wheat crackers and extra light soft cheese, or light mousses; even apples!
The thing is, I keep going over my goal (3times a week on average), as I can't stop eating the snacks. Once I have one, I will literally eat the box!
I hate myself afterwards, and have never over eaten in this way so don't know why I am doing it. I stop buying one thing so I won't do it again, but the new thing goes the same way!
Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am 41, 5'4" and am currently at 171lbs...started at 179lbs. I also have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, so can only do small amounts of exercise so far.


  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    When you say go over your goal, consider how much over you are. It takes time to make new changes, so don't be too hard on yourself.
    I always have to have a snack/dessert and sometimes it takes me over my cals, sometimes not. Can you plan your daily meals ahead so you can plan a snack or two?
    If there is a trigger food that I cannot stop eating, I just can't bring it into the house. Remember when I was eating chocolate chips right out of the bag and had to throw them away?
    I used to buy or bake stuff, eat too much and then give the rest to my bachelor neighbor. He always looked at me kinda funny, but being 22, he ate anything I brought him.
    Have you ever heard of Geneen Roth? She has some really good books (and articles) about food addictions and emotions and eating. She makes a lot of sense.
    Good luck Dawn!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Since you're eating the whole box, it sounds like it's triggering a binge. Might be a good idea to remove them from your house and replace them with something you won't binge on.

    I hate to say that, because I hate to tell myself no, and I hate to be absolute about things like "I will not eat this, period", but I'm a binge eater, too, and I'll do almost anything to not trigger those cravings. Including not keeping those foods around.
  • DawnMcUK
    DawnMcUK Posts: 53
    The worst over goal was by 500cals, bringing me up to my BMR. It's just so ridiculous because I would never do that previously and I don't like it... It kicks off my Crohn's for a start!

    Info tend to only eat, or drink when I have to and don't usually plan ahead unless I'm shopping that day. I will have to stick to trying full meals and plan ahead, and probably drink more lol!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    If those foods are trigger foods, stop buying them. I had to stop buying salty potato chips. They are far from my favorite food, but they are the one thing that seemed to trigger me to just eat and eat way too much.

    Don't have 'em in the house.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    If those foods are trigger foods, stop buying them. I had to stop buying salt and pepper potato chips. They are far from my favorite food, but they are the one thing that seemed to trigger me to just eat and eat way too much.

    Don't have 'em in the house.


    Chances are that you are actually have a true addiction response to something in the snacks that you are buying, whether that be grains (wheat especially), sugar or something else. Find something else to eat and stop buying them, they are probably going to keep causing you to overeat even with willpower trying to stop you and sabotage any losses that you've made.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    These low cal processed snacks are something new for you? You didn't eat them before? Get rid of them. Stock up on the apples, other fruits, crunchy vegies, nuts, yogurt and some extra dark chocolate. I know I have a problem with processed snacks and processed foods in general....I can't eat just a little so I try to keep them out of the house.
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    I have the same problem with some of the "healthier" snack foods. My new rule is that if I can't buy it in a single package, I don't buy it (that is for snack foods that I like too much only). I just don't have the willpower to eat just one.
  • DawnMcUK
    DawnMcUK Posts: 53
    These low cal processed snacks are something new for you? You didn't eat them before? Get rid of them. Stock up on the apples, other fruits, crunchy vegies, nuts, yogurt and some extra dark chocolate. I know I have a problem with processed snacks and processed foods in general....I can't eat just a little so I try to keep them out of the house.

    These snacks are completely new, and I'm getting the message loud and clear. Looks like a shopping day is in order, and I will indeed stock up on fruit and carrots instead.

    Thanks everyone :)