Why is the banner ad on this page for Pepsi?

It seems a bit counter-intuitive.

Anyway, I am 32, and am at just below 200 lbs, with a goal weight of 155. When I was using this site a year ago, I was in a really good position to meet my weight goal, so I'm a bit discouraged with where I am now, but I feel it's safe to say that this year has been challenging. I know at least one of the mistakes I made before was not being connected to others who had the same goals- so I'm hoping to find groups and individuals who can help me be accountable, and whom I can feel connected to because of our mutual support of each others' goals.

My weight gain this year can be attributed to a few specific things. Any insight, personal experience, advice, etc. you might have regarding how to combat these issues is greatly appreciated, I'll even number them if you want to respond to that item directly. I don't mean for these to sound like excuses or scapegoats, just as a snapshot of where I am currently so that I can proceed from here.

1) I've been working 60+ hours a week at my job, and then also volunteering/coaching/working at a second job which has meant a lot of eating out, especially fast food, or not eating until I get home and then going straight to bed.

2) I got into a car accident. Rather, my cousin was driving and we hit a spot of ice and the car flipped. So for the past six months, I have been going to a lot of doctor, chiropractic, massage therapists appointments, etc. I have noticed a drastic drop in my stamina and energy, though that has improved with time.

3) My partner, who is good natured and talks about wanting to lose weight, makes poor eating choices. I don't mean to make it sound like I'm blaming my partner, because I am responsible for my own choices, it's just the reality of living with other people. If you have any suggestions on how to gain more self-control, that would be much appreciated. On this same topic, my partner wants to lose weight, and talks about it frequently, but hasn't really made any lifestyle changes to facilitate this. I don't know how to be supportive of him by encouraging him in a way that will help him feel empowered to make those decisions, versus sounding judgmental and nagging. Any suggestions there would also be great.

4) I have had bronchitis for the last month. Anyway, any suggestions on how to be healthy while sick would be greatly appreciated.

I enjoy going to farmers markets for fresh produce (especially organic), and try to avoid processed food and HFCS as much as possible. I have a few food allergies/sensitivities, the primary one being sugar cane, so I have been trying honey and agave as alternatives, though I realize that agave is highly processed. I have hypothyroidism (I was born without a thyroid) and so while I am aware of some of the effects of not having a thyroid, I am sometimes uncertain about how that affects my ability to lose weight, metabolize foods or feel energized enough to work out. I will say that one of my frustrations has been people in my life who are MLMs and have been trying incessantly to get me to buy their products to lose weight. I want to be about making good life choices and making a lifestyle change, not rely on some magical product.

If any of these are things you also experience or have expertise in, please add me. :smile: