Scared to go to Cedar Point...

Hello all, my friend would like to go to Cedar Point for her birthday. I am REALLLYY scared that I will NOT be able to fit into the rides and I will have to get off in front of all my friends and all the people in line. :( The last time i was there was about 3 years ago...I'm not sure how much I weighed 3 years ago, but I'm sure it was about the same or less than I am now. I remember the belt for Millennium force ALMOST didn't fit. What should I do besides lose as much weight as possible before then? Im so scared I won't fit. Cedar Point says on their site that people over 200 lbs and over a size 18 might not fit. Im about 240-250 (water weight galore right now) I KNOW I could get down to 240 by then, or less...But i fear that may be too big. Has anyone my size been to CP lately??


  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Don't trust what you read. Call them and speak with someone.
  • erinw1011
    erinw1011 Posts: 86 Member
    I was there last summer and I was approximately 215 pounds. I didn't go on many rides but did try to go on the tea cups with my daughter and the rope did not fit across and I had to get off, it was humiliating. My husband did go on all the rides and he was about 250 pounds. I remember him saying one ride he was scared he wouldn't fit but he made it on. Hope that helps.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    The rides with overhead harnesses will be the worst. I haven't been there in years (because I feared I had gotten too big and my husband doesn't like coasters anyway) but I remember one of the overhead harnesses said it would fit people with a chest up to 50". I just BARELY fit at the time. I know some of the rides had seats sitting out front so you could try before you stood in line. I couldn't bring myself to do it - too humiliating. If you want to go, I would probably skip the ones with overhead harnesses like this:

  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Honey, don't let your fear stop you from having a good time. If you can't go on some rides, then you can't. I'm sure your friends will understand if they love and care for you. Maybe you can explain to them that this may happen because of what you had read so that they are not surprised.

    Besides, you may surprise yourself and be able to go on all the rides. You wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you?

    There are plenty of rides and things to do at Cedar Point that you can do. The only thing that would be worse than not going on a few rides would be if you didn't go at all.

    Enjoy yourself; have fun - life is too short.
  • rainman3k
    rainman3k Posts: 174 Member
    Just returned from a trip to Cedar Point and I wanted to add a note here as I pulled this thread up when researching the trip.

    I was able to ride all of the rides except for millenium force and the dragster. Several were pretty snug but in general most were ok.

    My weight is 258, I wear a size 40" pants and a loose XXL shirt.
  • killernut
    killernut Posts: 11
    I'm 6'1", and I can wear a mens size 38 (tight) or 40 (loose). For me, I am not able to fit on Dragster (atleast last time I tried), but can fit on everything else, with the possible exception of Wicked Twister. I don't like this ride so I haven't tried it in years.

    One thing you can do, is measure your beltline. If it is under 41", you'll most likely be ok, but if it is over 41", you might not be able to fit on some of the rides at CP. And, when sitting in the chair, if your body type does not allow you to fasten the belt directly around your beltline, you will often be out of luck on several rides at CP. My problem is, my combination of tallness and fatless makes it so that on rides like MF and TTD, the belt goes slightly over my lap, near the beltline. Millennium is a tight fit for me (depending of what train I sit in, see below). Dragster just isn't possible at this time (unless some of the trains have a little longer belt, not sure).

    I can give some words of advice about Millennium Force, because that is one of the rides that gives most people fits. #1. I can guarantee you that the belt on the test seat outside the ride is shorter than the belts on the actual ride itself. So if you sit in the test seat and its close, I would say queue up and give it a chance. #2. MF has three trains, red, yellow, and blue. On the red train, the belts are about an inch longer than on the other two trains. I can fit on red and easily pull an inch of slack, whereas on blue and yellow I BARELY fit and don't pull any slack. So if you are on the borderline like me, try to maneuver so you can get on the red train.

    It is possible some of the trains on both TTD and WT have slightly longer belts as well, or even a test seat that isn't 100% accurate. Just haven't tried those rides enough recently to confirm this.

    Have fun at CP, and hopefully it works out for you. And if nothing else, I'm sure you'll be able to fit on maverick and magnum, which are both awesome rides as well.
  • phenixred
    phenixred Posts: 26 Member
    What I did was watch the people getting on the rides BEFOR you Get in line. Look for someone your size or bigger. If THEY can get on, good chance you can. I have only been told I cant go on a ride ONCE. and it was because my chest was to big (i'm a DDD) so the over the shoulder harness wouldent lock with out pinching my boobs, When the guy said i was to "BODACIOUS" for the ride one of the girls behind me make a nasty comment. The guy heard it and responded with "At least she has tit's" and kicked her off the ride too!!

    Carneys arent all that bad!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    What I did was watch the people getting on the rides BEFOR you Get in line. Look for someone your size or bigger. If THEY can get on, good chance you can. I have only been told I cant go on a ride ONCE. and it was because my chest was to big (i'm a DDD) so the over the shoulder harness wouldent lock with out pinching my boobs, When the guy said i was to "BODACIOUS" for the ride one of the girls behind me make a nasty comment. The guy heard it and responded with "At least she has tit's" and kicked her off the ride too!!

    Carneys arent all that bad!

    Ahahaha this is the best story EVER!!! :D

    I haven't been to an amusement park in two years (just never got a chance to go last summer, but the summer before we had season passes), and that was nearly 80 pounds ago. There were several rides I couldn't fit in before at almost 270 and a size 22, and I'm still leery of some of them now at 191 and a size 14....all you can do is go and try it out? Like a poster above said, it would be much worse to not go at all...
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 134 Member
    We are planning a trip too. Im trying to make it as late in the august that I can as I fear I will not fit. Starting 30 day shred today as I need to lose major inches off my rear and hips to fit on the rides. We went last year and I was NOT able to fit on rides. My daughter is 7 and now tall enough for most the rides she will be heart broken if I cant fit and cant ride.
  • extremely11
    extremely11 Posts: 14 Member
    I just got back from Cedar Point. I'm 5'8" and 235 lbs. I was able to ride all but Millenium Force and Top Thrill Dragster. I wish I had seen the list above about what trains on MF would work because I was close to fitting. I was able to ride Maverick and Raptor no problem. My weight is more in the hips and thighs which is why the belts on MF and TTD wouldn't fit. I saw plenty of people with beer bellies who could put the belts on under their guts fit on the rides. The overhead restraints on Maverick and Raptor would be more of a problem if you were busty.

    When I was 220 lbs, I could ride all the rides no problem.

    I also couldn't get on Wicked Twister but that had more to do with my not being able to pull the restraints down due to elbow issues.

    Also, consider getting a fastpass. You can buy them in the park if it turns out you want one. It makes for much less standing in line.