all the more reasons to not drink soda



  • and how do these taste?? the dr pepper popsicles??

    They're great! They don't have the carbonation of course, but the flavor is dead on.
  • thank you Analiza its very hard sons name is Sebastian

    Amanda2181....I am gonna look for these.....
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I am gastric bypass so it is not good for my new pouch.

    Sorry Tabs - after posting that I went back to read a bit more on the 'net and came across reference to the pouch and realized what you meant.

    And yes, it does kind of suck. With all of the other healthy choices of the last 8 weeks, a nice cold coke zero felt like a guilt-free treat in the evening after nothing but water all day.
    It was interesting reading examples of people who cut out DIET soda and lost weight. Kind of goes against the calories in/out theory, but was supported by the idea that can alter how your body functions with nutrients. I have about 1 can a day or less, sometimes none but it' worth a try. If I can give up the wine, I'm sure I can give up the diet soda if that's what it's going to take to get this done. Being healthier for it will make it that much better!
  • I wont even switch to diet. I just stopped. I drink nothing diet.....refuse.....
    I do drink tea and coffee cause of the caffiene headaches. I take vivarin....I am a caffiene junky....take em with a cup o' coffee

    yes I have a I am not a kangaroo.....
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