Determined for a 5K

Hey guys!
I've made up my mind that I WILL run a 5k before the end of the year. Any training advice or anything else that would help me achieve my goal? I'm open to all ideas. Thanks!


  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Me too! I a started the c25k app on my iPhone! I love it. I'm doing week 7 day 3 Monday. I'm gearing up for my first 5k in July. I did one three years ago and stopped running after that so I don't count it.
    Doing the c25k program has helped prevent injuries. I followed advice on the forums here on MFP and got fitted for running shoes.
    I'm slow as a turtle but I know I can finish it.:happy:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, c25k is awesome. I was a total non-runner, started c25k in late January, finished in late March, ran my first 5k race on Memorial Day weekend. And I made it through all of that with no setbacks and completely injury free.

    The program works, takes you slow, gradually increasing your running vs walking times, which helps prevent those common injuries like shin splints, sore knees, etc.

    Get good shoes, make sure you drink plenty of water and eat well, and go for it! Also, find a 5k race that's happening after you'll be finished with the program - an upcoming race is a great goal and helps keep you motivated.

    I used a free app from Zen Labs called c25kFREE. Worked great, gives you all the prompts of when to walk when to run, etc. You can play your music through it if you want. I'm currently using their 10k app as well - it's working! ran 5.5 miles this morning!

    Have fun!
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    Are you walking some or running the whole thing, ive done two 5K's but both times i walk halfed. try C25K or go to the gym and get on a tredmill for a couple months. My goal sometime is to run the whole thing. Good luck
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    I don't really have advice but wanted to say good for you! My wife and I just signed up for our first 5K on September 9th. For us it will be running at the track, treadmill and the 3.1 miles around our area.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Definatly a vote for c25k. I did the program starting 1/1/12 and ran my first 5k a month ago. Signed up for another the end of July. Do not be afraid to repeat weeks & the first 4 definalty the hardest.
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    I was going to do c25k, but it was too slow for me, and my hubby, a runner in his younger years, pushed me a bit--which was fine, until I ended up with a hip injury that put me out of commission for two weeks. I was running 5k, and now I'm working my way back up. Today I only did a mile and a half, but if I'd run slower, I'd have been able to go at least two miles.

    My advice, from my experience with running so far, is to not push yourself too hard, make sure you warm up and stretch, and don't be ashamed to walk for awhile if you get tired. I like to compete with myself, which makes it really hard for me to do anything that makes me feel like I'm going backward, but I have my first 5k next weekend, and I know that if I want to run the entire distance, I can't run 10:15 miles. That will be my goal for next year. This year, slow and steady wins the race. Good luck!
  • xcazax
    xcazax Posts: 43 Member
    I am going to be starting the c25k programme on monday - looking forward to it!
  • dtr1974
    dtr1974 Posts: 5 Member

    I'm not sure if this will be any help but I wanted to let you know how I got to the stage where I can now run over 5k. About a year ago I used to start running at a pace I thought was reasonable. Not really running fast but faster than a slow jog. This was I think, my problem. Even though I never thought I was running too fast, I can see I was running WAY too fast. I used to get stitches often, muscle strains and out of breath about 1/3 - 1/2 way round my run. I got pretty demoralised pretty quickly.

    I did a bit of reading around how to increase your stamina and ability to run longer and it seemed that the key (for me at least) was to slow more than a shuffle to start off with. It's hard to explain but when I start running, my feet only just seem to clear the ground. It feels slow but I've started to take that as a sign that it's an OK speed to get myself going.

    After doing this for a few months, I found myself less exhausted the further I ran. No more panting and wheezing just a feeling that I was doing work. I progressively found that I could run further and further past the places I used to end up stopping for a rest in the early days. This was a real positive for me. But I kept things slow and steady.

    The last few months I have found that I'm feeling better and better as I run - like there is more left in the much so that I've started to think about my pace (I'm using RunKeeper app to help me keep track of what I do). Now it feels like I've built my running legs up a bit, I'm going to start to complete my runs in a faster time - but again, I won't be sprinting!

    So, my advice would be to start slow, build up your stamina and enjoy the time running.

    Hope this helps.

  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    I use a similar (but 30 weeks) program. Most programs is going to fast for me.... I also recomment runkeeper. It´s a good app and you can set it to your program week by week, so you don´t have to watch a stopwatch as you go (like I did in the beginning.) You keep track of your progress, your speed and length. And you can get a "street team" to support you. Several here from MFP are using it and supporting eachother.

    And don´t think of speed. I actually ones managed to WALK faster than I usually run....:laugh: Just think of how far you can go. You can always think about speed later. And if you need some advise to what to eat before and after, try to check out

    You just go, girl! Don´t let anything stop you. :smile:
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Are you walking some or running the whole thing, ive done two 5K's but both times i walk halfed. try C25K or go to the gym and get on a tredmill for a couple months. My goal sometime is to run the whole thing. Good luck
    Thank you. I needed to hear that!