How much exercise do I need?

ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
I know this is probably a topic more suitable for a personal trainer, however at their high costs I'm going to ask around to people here on MFP. How much exercise do I need DAILY to loose 90lbs? If I stay within my cals for the day and eat mostly healthy foods how long should it take to see results?

I don't mind working out but when I read of others spending hours at the gym or running marathons I can't help but feel I'll never be as fit as the average woman my age (I'm 29). I love long walks and hikes but I mostly go for an hour at a time (sometimes 2 hours)
Anyway any advice? Is my hour long walks going to make any differance?


  • lucylou9701
    lucylou9701 Posts: 194
    in the end any exercise you do is beneficial to your body. With the amount of weight you want to lose I would suggest a little more exercise just for muscle tone because loose skin could be a factor with you. Aim to keep your heart rate at atleast 60% of your max heart rate which is 220-your age.( For you your max heart rate would be 115 bpm) for half an hour to an hour a day. How often are you walking? You should probably aim to walk 5-6 days a week if that is going to be your main source of exercise. There are also things like Jillian Michaels videos that you can do at home whenever you have time. Remember a pound= 3500 calories so even if you just burn 350 calories on your walk its better than nothing because you just burned 0.1lbs :) it adds up quickly! Maybe try jogging a little bit of your walk or try a program like Couch to 5 k (C25k) to start off. Good luck!
  • michaelispas
    michaelispas Posts: 39 Member
    If you eat your nutrition correctly plus exercise every day, you will lose weight.

    The key is what to do each day to maximize your fat loss for the week and long-term.

    hour-long walks are good but you still need to switch it up often or your body will start to plateau and lose less fat as you go. Do you want some ideas for what exercises to do?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i do between 25-50 minutes 5 times per week... which is a LOT less than some people on here, but i lost all the weight i wanted to and am now maintaining. i do circuit trainging, weights, jogging, i have a stepper and a few dvds that i do.

    technically you dont HAVE to exercise to lose weight, but it has loads of health benefits of its own so its totally worth the effort. you just need to find things you like, and an amount that you can fit into your daily routine.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Anyway any advice? Is my hour long walks going to make any differance?

    anything is better than nothing at all. walking is all I did when I started.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    technically you dont HAVE to exercise to lose weight, but it has loads of health benefits of its own so its totally worth the effort. you just need to find things you like, and an amount that you can fit into your daily routine.

    this ^^ I always feel don't worry what others are doing the best exercise for you is one you will enjoy and stick with :)

    experiment with a few things, the more you enjoy it the more likely you are to stick with it!!! :)
  • ljb82
    ljb82 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions! Yeah walking is my main form of exercise however I do have a gym membership. I rarely get to the gym due to my work scheduel, family and just lack of motivation. However I'm going to try to make time for my health more and maybe hit up the gym a bit more. Any recommendations of good fat burning machines at the gym?
    I usually go for walks about 6 days a week for an hour
  • yeremeyeva
    yeremeyeva Posts: 46
    I like to do the cross trainer. I think the biggest problem of doing the same thing every day is, like someone has already mentioned, hitting a plateau. It's not BAD to just walk for 6 days a week (better than those people on the couch who never move) but if you goal is to LOSE weight, I think you will definitely have to start switching things up. You can also monitor your weight. Is it going down? then keep walking. Has it been the same for a few weeks? Time to switch things up.

    The good thing is that longer you are at it, the easier things will become. You will find ways to fit in the gym, to motivate yourself. It's different for everyone, but if you really want it, you will make it work. There have been days where I simply set down at work and started to google "motivation to work out" or just went on pintrest to look at the fitness section & those pretty, healthy things. Find something that works for YOU.

    If you don't have much time, the best cardio you can do it HIIT (Hight Intensity Interval Training). It doesn't matter which machine you use. What matters is that when you get off it, sweat is dripping off your face :) You should try ALL the machines at your gym and find out which ones you like the most. I think as you lose weight, you will start to find ways to challenge your body more - increase the intensity, which things up, try new things you have never done before, etc.

  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    Working out isn't first. When you start shrinking, and you start noticing you can lift more, walk farther, push harder, that's what makes it fun! And like others have and will say, do something you enjoy!!! If you love walking, and you'll stick with it, then do it. You might try hiking or something, if you like being outside. I can't wait to hike again! I strength train to make my back feel better, and to tone up the body underneath this layer of fried chicken. I hated it at first, but now I want to do it, and do it often. You CAN do it!!!