Does anyone have unusual hours?

Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
My "hours" typically run from about 1pm to 4-5am due to my husbands work schedule... my kids keep the same schedule as we do in the summer (they are teenagers). It seems to work for us, but its still hard! People say "dont eat past 6pm" hell, we dont have dinner until 9pm!!

Is it hard for you to stay on track when your hours are unusual, and you read the "facts" about eating late, ect?


  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    My "hours" typically run from about 1pm to 4-5am due to my husbands work schedule... my kids keep the same schedule as we do in the summer (they are teenagers). It seems to work for us, but its still hard! People say "dont eat past 6pm" hell, we dont have dinner until 9pm!!

    Is it hard for you to stay on track when your hours are unusual, and you read the "facts" about eating late, ect?

    Summer time isn't too bad for me....but working as an athletic trainer gets crazy once school starts... 60 hours a week is actually a 'slow week'. It's not uncommon for me to go 2+ months without a day off! So yeah....I guess this falls under unusual hours!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    In our family household, our typical dinner time is between 9-10pm. We eat lunch 1-2pm. But we still stay the same. The only thing that is bad is sleeping on a stuffed stomach right after a huge meal.
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    My sleep schedule is always messed up when I'm on break- I usually take summer classes to occupy myself but a *lot* of stuff happened this year and I oped out.
    Today I actually woke at 10:30 am after going to bed at like 4 or 5 am, I was surprised! I usually get up around noon or 1pm.
    Sometimes it messes with my calorie count because I'll still try to get to bed at a "normal" time, meaning I eat much less than I should.
  • Ouckat2
    Ouckat2 Posts: 23 Member
    We do!!!!! My hubby works from 6pm to 6am and we have crazy hours or we wouldnt have time to be together. I try to stay up til around 5 am and get all my chores/whatever done. People think we are crazy but we live and sleep normal hours. But it is still hard. We get up around 1pm ..him around 2 or 3 and we begin our day with lunch. I eat dinner after he leaves and that is usually around 8 or 9 pm also. I pack his lunch for him. I think that it is hard because my nights are my days and there isnt alot of time to get outdoors and do normal things but we try on weekends. So see, you arent the only one girl!!!! hehe. Nice to meet you. I just joined this 3 days ago and I love it. I found out I am prediabetic and it woke me up.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    We do!!!!! My hubby works from 6pm to 6am and we have crazy hours or we wouldnt have time to be together. I try to stay up til around 5 am and get all my chores/whatever done. People think we are crazy but we live and sleep normal hours. But it is still hard. We get up around 1pm ..him around 2 or 3 and we begin our day with lunch. I eat dinner after he leaves and that is usually around 8 or 9 pm also. I pack his lunch for him. I think that it is hard because my nights are my days and there isnt alot of time to get outdoors and do normal things but we try on weekends. So see, you arent the only one girl!!!! hehe. Nice to meet you. I just joined this 3 days ago and I love it. I found out I am prediabetic and it woke me up.

    OMG! i am also prediabetic and i joined on monday! GOOD LUCK TO YOU! my hubby goes in around 4pm and gets off... ugh, whenever.. sometimes not till 10am.. it kills us, but we have to have SOME time together! People are very judgemental.. im trying to lose weight, and my sisters say... well if you got out of bed before noon.... wth? UGH.. people. lol
  • Ouckat2
    Ouckat2 Posts: 23 Member
    Yep I am right there with you!!!!! I just account by not eating past dinner unless it is fruit, or jello or a few crackers or yogart. We can do it, buy you are right.....its hard because you cannot go out and do things like you can in the daytime. And I also found out that Im deficient in Vitamin D because of it. So my doc has me on almost 4000 mg of vit D a day for 3 mths until my next blood test. No wonder I was becoming so depressed, I dont see much light so I need to get those lights that give off ultra violet rays or get out in the sun for 15 min a day. Now maybe I can get off of antidepressants.