
PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
So basically, if we don't pay for health insurance by 2014, we will be fined a penalty. The fine goes up each year after. Maybe if it was a little bit cheaper, people like us who are just barely above poverty level can afford it! I've done my research can't touch it for less than $200+ a month, that we just don't have. Plus, it doesn't help none that I have a preexisting condition that makes it even harder to find "affordable" coverage. I think we'll take the penalty and just continue to pay off our bills each month, like we normally do!

Sorry, end rant


  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Thank you for the day's millionth "obamacare" topic. You win a prize!*

    *Not really.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I just started browsing late tonight and this is the first Affordable Health Care topic I ran into.

    I think its great! We'll all get FREE health care, and I hear in a few more years they will allow you to keep your grown children tied to your apron by covering them on your policy until they are in their late 30's. But don't worry, if they do ever leave your nest Father O will take care of them like they are his own children. Now that we know its Constitutional for the gov'mnt to impose a 'tax' on us to get health care they will soon expand it to homes and cars. You will be required to buy a house and car, but if you can't afford one, the gov'mnt will give you one for FREE. and they will give you a FREE cell phone to talk on while you are driving your FREE car, and a gov'mnt gas card so you can fill your FREE car with FREE gas.

    All they ask is that you keep voting them back into office so they can keep redistributing the wealth from those who earned it to those who never will.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,550 Member

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