I just realized why I cant lose weight!



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you can do it!

    i definitely felt the same when i started as well.
    my advice would be break your goal up into smaller goals. 180 might seem daunting, so maybe try making you first goal as a 35 or 40 pound loss? this is what i'm doing because i started getting frustrated at how slow my little ticker lady was moving. i changed my MFP goal to a weight that's a little more than halfway to my goal weight.

    also since it is a lot to lose, try and make your eating habits seem less like a diet and more like a lifestyle change. since this is going to be a long journey, challenge yourself to make a new change or substitution every other week. for instance if you love burgers and fries, think of ways to make that healthy and practice making your own.

    set up some monthly fitness goals, things that you can work towards. stuff like holding a static squat for a certain amount of time, doing a certain number of push ups in a minute, holding a plank for as long as you can.

    also i dont think 10 pounds a month is too much. you're young so that rate might be doable for the first 40-50 pounds.

    good luck and don't give up!
  • imcatbear
    imcatbear Posts: 38

    This is my life and I am taking it back!

    Great philosophy!

    I try not to look at the numbers in terms of my goals, because I've never really put a value on a number. One person can look huge at one value and another can look perfectly fit. I focus on fitness, at the moment, and change things up for myself. My first goal was to be able to walk around the neighborhood w/o getting winded 5 doors down. It's flat here. I shouldn't be winded.

    I want to read more of this thread before I add more. I just really like your philosophy. :)

    ETA: Finished reading. You've gotten a lot of good advice already.

    Feel free to add me as well. :)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I changed my profile and added my mini goals. It put in perspective how real this can be fore me!
    I wanted to be down to mg GW of 180 by my 21st birthday. If I do 10 pounds a month I will be 180 2 months before my 21st birthday! Talk about motivation to keep going!

    Is 10 pounds a month to much?

    Weight loss slows down as you get closer to goal. For me, I lost 10 pounds a month for the first couple months. And now it is more like 5. So give yourself plenty of time. The beginning is faster, the end is slower.

    But most important os to set non-scale goals. Do pushups, workout for an hour straight, build more strength, shorten your mile time. Tons and tons to keep you motivated along the way.

    Also, take measurements. As many as possible and track those too. There will be times where the scale shows no progress, but your waist is shrinking or your legs are smaller. This is the best way to keep track.
  • mburger84
    mburger84 Posts: 19 Member
    one of my all time favorite quotes, "the journey of 1000 miles...begins with 1 step!" you got this, just stay focused, and dont think of it as striving for an end result, think of it as a lifestyle change and take one day at a time. It can happen and will happen if you just keep on moving forward. : )