Fox verifies what you smarties have been teaching us



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This line - "but most of us women aren’t lifting anything so heavy that we are at risk for building man muscles" - seems to perpetuate, rather dispell, the myth that women will bulk up like a man if they lift heavy.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Great post! Should be a sticky for all newbies to read!
  • Ilangilang
    Ilangilang Posts: 37 Member
  • MoveTheMountain
    I'm hoping that people that strongly disagree with what the helpful people on here, who know their stuff, have been trying teach us will finally see the light. I don't mean that disrespectfully. People give up too easy at times. Kudos to the smarties on here that take the time and effort to help educate those of us that start clueless, myself included when I joined. :smile:

    The only thing I might add that doesn't fully agree with the sources you quote, is that there have been studies that show that working muscles near the area of fat you want to burn *does* (it turns out) burn more fat in that specific area. So, yes, working the muscles near the fat you want to get rid of does lead to a faster rate of fat burn in the fat cells near those specific muscles. This is pretty new information - I think the research came out of Switzerland, but I can't recall.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    If you run out of stored glucose, your flame goes out and you start burning up muscle.”

    I had an episode like this yesterday. Only problem is, if you are diabetic, you don't start burning up don't have the time. Instead you run the risk of going into a diabetic coma and dying. So eat.