So I've Carried Over 1300 Calories This Week...

Each day, I typically am under my calorie goal. This week has been a little more than usual. I try and be under so that I can have a little extra on the weekends, if we go out to eat etc. This week I am now as of today I am 1300 under my caloric intake for the week.

My daily goal is 1740 right now. Obviously I'm not going to eat 3k calories today. Tonight my wife is coming home from Cincinnati, business trip. We are going out to eat. (by the way she has lost 35 pounds so far). I would like to get something healthy, but maybe enjoy an alocholic beverage... and piece of bread or two. So let's say today I consume 2k calories. Can I upset something in my body. Even though I have banked enough calories.

I read another thread on this.. It seems ok to bank and store. But last week, I did that, and I actually shot up several pounds. Granted I lost all those pounds again this week and it was probably due to sodium and water retention. And I am now down another pound and a half today...

Is there an official word on calorie banking.


  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I don't bank calories. I see each day as a new start, so if I mess up one day or am under one day, then I try not to let it affect my eating the next day. This has worked for me, but there are always different approaches.