Does it just take time?



  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Other than that the majority of my "diet" meals are microwavable. It's nice to know "ok, this has 300 calories" and just scan the box with my MFP app.

    While the microwave meal may only have 300 calories, you may also want to check out the amount of sodium. Microwave meals are usually very high in sodium which can make you retain water (and make you weigh more).

    When I grilled or bake chicken, I try to make a little more than what I need for that particular meal. Then I can put it in the fridge and heat it or cut it up to top a salad or make chicken salad. Maybe you can fix something for dinner but fix a little extra and have it for lunch the next day. It does take time, but you can do it.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I was raised the same way mama. And I'm planning on having Chik Fil A tonight (maybe lol) as a cheat meal but this will be the first time I have Chik since I guess February or so. It's not supposed to be a staple, it's supposed to be a cheat. But you know this. Even when I started cooking at home I was doing a lot of frozen dinners, which get OLD real fast, and processed crap like mac n cheese and Hamburger Helper. It was DEFINITELY a conscious effort to clean up my eating. Especially since I got divorced in 06, got laid off in 08 and had to move back in with my folks. It's not always easy to get into the kitchen to make my dinner the same time they're making theirs. So I do a lot of cooking on extra days off and freeze the healthy, home-made meals to defrost and heat up in the nuker or toaster oven for weeknight suppers.

    Look at my pix...weight loss and getting fit is a 2-part system, the exercise and the nutrition. You're not gonna get the results you truly want till you clean up your eating. If you can't do fast food as just a cheat then I would say to cut it out for now to break that habit. I took off my weight many years ago and didn't eat clean and as a result I was drained of energy, frustrated, and didn't look good in a swimsuit or naked. I never thought I could get rid of my cellulite (I was skinny fat) but I've DEF been smoothing out since I cleaned up my eating and started following workout programs as they were outlined rather than just doing DVDs and leaving out the things I didn't wanna do, like pushups lol.

    If I can give up most processed foods and fast food, I KNOW you can! You will feel SOOOOOO much better when you do. THAT'S a guarantee!
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Grab some magazines from the store and check out their recipes. Lots of fast, easy & cheap stupp to make. Try Cooking Light, Eating Well & Weight Watchers. Better Homes also puts out low call recipe magazines. I've found some amazing recipes in them. Chicken enchiladas anyone mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I agree with the people who say that you need to take control and do this for YOU...and other people's feelings shouldn't influence you. If someone will get mad about you not wanting to eat unhealthy food with them, they don't necessarily have your best interests at heart. It will get easier if you start really watching your intake. aren't already tracking it, put the "sodium" category into your food diary settings (that alone keeps me out of most restaurants). Any takeout food is absolutely LOADED with sodium and that can be really counterproductive to your weight loss efforts!!

    In time, when you've made some progress and have this under control, there's no reason you can't have fast food (in moderation) from time to time, but once your body is used to eating healthier, fresher foods, its not even going to taste that good anymore!
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Was a fast food junkie, 7 months ago decided no more, Now I am not.....
  • jenngi620
    jenngi620 Posts: 51
    I struggle with this too because I'm not a big fan of cooking. Its true though that eating out can be disastrous to your health. Restauraunts want things to taste good so they use things like "heavy" mayo (you should see this stuff, rivals wallpaper paste), trans fats, lots of slathered on butter, etc. It's just not ok to put your body through that every day.

    I suggest when you start making meals at home take advantage of some supermarket short cuts to make the transition easier.
    Go ahead and get the precooked chicken or bagged salad. It costs more than the other stuff but will help you move towards making meals at home without a lot of fuss, and it's still less expensive than eating out.

    Also, when you do eat out use the MFP app and search the name of the place you're going to so you can make better choices. It can be surprising how something like a slider appetizer can come in at over 1k calories, while a full steak meal will be around 600.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I'll also add, I still live with my mother, who is never going to change her views on eating out, and will get upset if I don't go out to eat with her when I'm invited. I'm working on moving out, when I do, I think it will be very good for my eating habits. I also won't have as much extra money to be able to eat out as often as I do.

    I have the same issue with my family. They always go out to used to be the glue that held us together lol. But instead, you could maybe make a meal for her to eat also? Or make time with her to do other things instead of eating out? And I'm not a doctor, but it's not going to kill you to eat out every once and awhile. When I know I am going out to eat, I look up the menu online and find out what will fit into my calorie goals and plan my meal around it.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If you are within you calorie goals, sure you'll lose weight, but weighing less doesn't equal being healthy. Usually, I eat fast food once a week and at a sit down place once a week. I don't try to kid myself by getting the lowest calorie on the menu that I am automatically eating healthy - I'm just trying to not screw myself over for the day. That's totally fine a day or two a week -- but as a lifestyle, I feel like that is kind of cheating yourself of eating well. That's not to say all fast food is terrible for you -- it's not, but if consumed frequently in conjunction with frozen meals -- you are probably getting WAY more sodium than you should.

    Every time I am craving fast food, I ask myself "how hungry are you". If I am hungrier than say a 5 (on a 1-10 scale), I don't care how bad I'm craving it -- 500-600 calories of "fast food" isn't going to cut it. 500-600 calories if real food will. The same with Lean Cuisine. You can get a lot more REAL food for 300 calories then one of those tiny dinners. If I am feeling so tired/lazy being hungry sooner doesn't bother me (pretty much if I plan on sleeping reasonably soon) -- I'll eat them.

    Now, speaking as a mom -- what's probably important to her is that you spend time with her, not what/where you eat. If I wanted to get McDonald's and my daughter said to me "Mom, I've been feeling sick and not very good after eating there" my response would be "Oh, that's terrible -- is there something else you'd prefer" then you can pick a place with more options (in my opinion Subway and Wendy's have the best and most options).

    Now, speaking as a daughter -- I grew up with a mom that relied heavily on frozen foods. To this day, she still does and I still HATE it. But I learned while I was still living there that if I offered to cook meals, she'd let me and even kick in for groceries. Her big thing was just that she didn't want to cook. If she's up for that -- it will hopefully help you get into better habits when you are out on your own.
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    Does your mom view your eating out together as time spent together? I know that now my kids are teens it's harder to find things to do together where we really connect and get a chance to share talking time. If that's the case, then maybe you should offer to cook for her, make one meal a week at home something special you share, rather than going out to eat (of course, you also need to wash up afterwards - I know that there are times when I just want to eat out because I can't face cooking or having to do the clean up afterwards!). Make her feel special, and maybe she'll be more sympathetic to your desire to eat more healthily.

    Of course, if she's just after a partner in crime to make her feel better about the junk food that she eats herself, then you're probably better off moving out...
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    If your mom will get upset when you decline to go out to eat with her, then oh well she's just going to have to learn to get over it. Ask her point blank: Don't you want me to get healthy? I highly doubt she will say No.

    Don't let the fear of her temporary disapproval and anger stop you from eating better.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I personally don't find it easier to jump in the car to get some fast food... It's easier for me to grab some salad out of the fridge and toss a piece of chicken on top. BAM! Salad!

    I cook a lot of food over the weekend so that I don't have to cook a lot during the week. I have my breakfasts and lunches ready to go so I don't even have to think about it.

    It really helps that I'm poor and don't have the money to spend on eating out :happy:

    I've always felt like the "odd one" because, fore me, it is more of a hassle to drive somewhere (fast food or otherwise) than to eat something at home -- which also why I stock up on produce.

    Until about the age of 20, I loved fast food and nothing could stop my from eating it -- to add to that, I was naturally rail-thin so gaining weight wasn't even a thought in my head. And although I no longer eat it (it's been years) I can still remember just how good it tastes : ( ...but not good enough for me to make the effort to drive there, lol
  • SgtMindy
    SgtMindy Posts: 53
    It might be time you made friends with a crockpot.