Time for a change

thewang Posts: 71 Member
I'm new to MFP and new to caring about my health altogether. I have never attempted to diet before so this is proving to be a wealth of information. Please add me! Need more motivators and inspiration! I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but just watching exactly what I've been eating has been huge! I'm doing pretty good sticking to my calorie goal, but not so great sticking to my exercise goals :(

I'm 27, 5'3" and way too heavy for my frame. I gained 72 lbs with my pregnancy and haven't taken any of it off. The most embarrassing part of that is that my daughter is 8 years old. My goal to is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and then keep going. Any advice for someone like me who has never tried anything before would be much appreciated!


  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member

    You are already on the right track. Food is key in my opinion. Exercise to me seems to be a personal thing. Some people really love to jump in and do a while other take it slower. I like walking or bike riding myself. Its a good time to do some swimming to. I am not a lap swimmer but I do go to the pool with the kids and tread the water and do other resistance type movements. Keep track and plan your food. If you eat it put it down.

    You can do it!!
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm trying to readjust my goals. I keep hearing so many different things... Originally they were set at about 1300, I wasn't too hungry, but still don't think that's realistic for me so I'm going to committ to increasing my excercise time so I can have some more energy and eat a little more. Hope that is what I should be doing! Guess we will see when i weigh myself for the first time!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Don't look at is as a diet. It needs to be a lifestyle change. Don't cut out all the bad stuff at once. Do it slowly. I use to crave sweets but now I don't. And if I want something sweet I go for the natural stuff, fruit. I have lost 50 lbs since the end of last July when I diagnosed diabetic. I had to look at the way I was eating and make some decisions. I started watching my carb and sugar intake. Finally I started exercising in February. It has helped a ton. Like you I am only 5ft and weighed 200lbs when I started. I know you can do it. Good luck.
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you! I'm trying to do it gradually. My mom has always been on some sort of new diet and her weight has fluctuated every year it seems. I don't want to get into that, just want to be healthier and look a little better.