Insanity advice needed

So i'm sure this has already been brought up before but I can't seem to find the answer i'm looking for...

I'm starting Insanity next week and when I looked at the nutrition book that came with it and I followed their guideline to determine how many calories I should be taking in every day and according to their formula its around 1900 calories/day. I am currently consuming around 1400/day and sometimes its even difficult for me to eat all of those calories. Should I stick with what i'm already consuming or should I use their advice and bump it up to 1900??

Any advice is greatly appreciated! :happy:


  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Insanity seems like a crazy amount of exercise.

    Why don't you do one round using their instructions, and if you don't lose anything after the whole round, try it with 1400.
  • jesscod
    jesscod Posts: 98
    Yay! I'm starting insanity next week too! We should partner up, add me :)

    As for the recommended calories, I definitely think you should eat them. I'm a little nervous because I'm currently eating 1700 calories, and eating clean. I am stuffed each and every day (and with insanity I'm supposed to eat 2000 a day, to lose weight)! However, with insanity you are burning so many calories due to rigorous training that you don't want to deprive your body and muscles of the nutrition it requires as it adjusts to the new activity level.

    I read somewhere that test subjects LOST weight at maintenance calorie levels that insanity provided, so its especially important to eat the allotted calories if you are trying to lose weight. Just my two cents! :D
  • lrlnss
    lrlnss Posts: 29 Member
    I'm doing Insanity right now and my base calorie goal is around 1300... on the days that I do Insanity, I eat some of my workout calories back. EX: Today I burned around 500 calories, so I'll eat about 250 back.

    That's just how I do it; I've found that, for me, if I eat all my workout calories back, I don't lose weight.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    I don't know much about insanity but I can add some logic to the mix. If Insanity has you working out a lot you will burn a lot of calories and I think your body will crave them which will make it easier for you to eat more. If not...If you are not feeling hungry, if you are able to be at a healthy weight/losing, and if you are feeling healthy, then I would say your body must be getting what it needs. Our bodies have a funny way of demanding we give them fuel when we aren't giving them enough.
  • Jenniferrose194
    Jenniferrose194 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I think I might bump up my calories a little bit and see what happens.