I have absolutely NO MOTIVATION. Please help!

Hello Everyone,

I am a newbie also and I have NO MOTIVATION to exercise what so ever! :explode: My mind wants to excercise and eat right but I can't seem to do it and stay on track. I will start and then stop. It is sooo hot here in Dallas (100 degrees or more some days). Too hot to walk my dog. I am just lazy and just want to lay under the air conditioner after work. If I keep doing the same things, I will keep getting the same results, which is NOTHING. Need people to motivate me and help me to make this a lifestyle not just a temporary diet plan. I lose it and then gain it back....Any 40+ friends with 40lbs or more to lose I would love to become your friends.


  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    Hello, and welcome to MFP. I don't need to lose 401 lbs, acutally I only need to lose 1 more lb. I think you may want to make friends who are not just needing to 401lbs, but also from those who has successfully lost weight already Those people will probably be more of an inspiration to you. Not saying that if you need to lose that much weight you can not inspire someone to lose, but I think you know what I mean!!!

    Anywho, if you want to add me to your list, I will do everything in my power to help you, but you have to remember, no matter what inspiration you get, you will have to take it and use it. This starts with you!!!! SO LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED RIGHT!!!!!

  • Eveamlizya
    Eveamlizya Posts: 16
    I'm 23 and want to lose 50 lbs...how I'm starting since it's been so hard to me to stay on track is I'm just taking one step at a time by starting off just eating better (I've lost almost 15 lbs so far just doing that) and then once my losing rate slows down and I have my dieting down fairly well and I'm comfortable with how well I'm doing in that area, I plan to start exercising then...starting to walk first then working up to something else. It seems to be working for me so far since I'm sticking with my diet moreso than I have in 5 years.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Only you can make the commitment to change. Once you have fully committed to a lifestyle change, the motivation will come naturally. Until then, you are left to wallow.
  • Eveamlizya
    Eveamlizya Posts: 16
    Not to mention, it's hot here too in Arkansas and soooo humid, which is another reason why I'm waiting to start exercising. Besides, if you start off full force you risk hurting yourself, your metabolism, and you may not get good results like you want...if you start off slowly working your way up, you're likely to lose it and keep it off easier.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Wow, you sound like me. ZERO motivation to move. Hot here too (Az) and doubt my dogs want to move outside either. New here and motivated to stick to logging in daily but was never into any exercising at all (came close to failing PE in school, sigh).
    Have MORE than 50 lbs to lose but other than that, we could be related.
    Like the poster above me, perhaps when I lose more (and the fall/winter comes, although we don't get much of it) I'll be more ambitious to work out.
  • jheartj95
    jheartj95 Posts: 34 Member
    My daughter and I have started to use sweatin to the oldies DVD set. We are exercising and sweating inside and still having fun dancing.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I am a newbie also and I have NO MOTIVATION to exercise what so ever!

    Inspiration: You see a photo of a supermodel, a photo of what you looked like back in high school, an old pair of pants you used to fit into or want to fit into, or perhaps you just get shocked by the number on the scale.

    Motivation: You "feel" like working out. "Hey, I'm going to ride my bike today or go for a walk." You go outside smiling and whistling your favorite tune. It's so nice out today and this is good for me.

    Dedication: Alarm goes off. You hit snooze and grumble about how tired you are. You sigh heavily, get up anyway, go to the gym. "Stupid $%*@ cardio. I hate you!" 30 minutes later you feel no regret for getting up and doing what you know you need to do.

    Everyone feels inspired to be in better shape, some people are even motivated to be in better shape; however, the people that are dedicated to be in better shape are the ones that achieve their goals. Be that person.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm 28 and have about 50 more pounds to lose. I am always looking to add more people for motivation. I don't exercise outside often at all. I am in Ohio, but we have VERY HUMID summers. I have a cheap gym membership ($10/month) that I take advantage of. There are also some really good videos you can do from home too. Walk Away the Pounds is a good start because it's very low impact and slowly grades as you improve.
  • carriek85
    carriek85 Posts: 7 Member
    I had the same problem up until about a month ago. I have about 50 lbs. to lose and gained it all within 6 months due to lack of working out and making poor food choices. I totally understand you situation with the heat (I am in Houston). I started and joined MFP about a month ago and It took me about 2 weeks to get into a workout routine and now if I don't workout I feel really guilty. A 30 walk with my dog makes me feel better. I also got a personal trainer to make me commit to work outs. Have you thought of joining a weight watchers group or anything?

    Also, I have some girlfriends who use MFP and seeing that they work out and eat healthy motivates me to do it as well. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I'll just leave this here:


    I watch this every week and it always hits me between the eyes.
  • Tymeshia
    Tymeshia Posts: 194 Member
    Try working out in the pool. If you jog in the pool for an hour, you can burn 800 calories. Also, with the food intake try going out and getting food you like, but watch the calories intake. Another thing I did was about 30 days ago, I first started my calories off at 1550 to get use to changing calories intake and then now I'm eating 1450. Remember it take 21 days to make something a habit. Just try to log in for 21 days straight.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    You can do it. Just the fact that you are on here and asking for help is a big step. Losing weight and being healthy doesn't require exercise, just eating healthy goes a long way. Gym memberships are great too, especially one with a pool and aqua aerobics classes (what a great thing on a hot day). Even setting your dryer on shorter cycles so you have to keep going up and down the stairs to re-set it gives you a little more activity. There are a lot of options. I'm 41 and have a goal loss of about 140 pounds and I would love to share the journey with you.
  • Bbmsmom
    Bbmsmom Posts: 5
    Some things that help me...
    I created a playlist of music videos that encourage me on Youtube and Godtube. I prop the IPAD up on the treadmill with remote headphones....watch my lists while I run. It keeps my mind, body and heart energized and motivated.....must less focus on the task when my mind is elsewhere.
    As for walking outside...bring a big bottle of water (or two), use them as weights when you walk. Create an energizing playlist on your mp3 and move to the beat...walking fast or slow jog...making sure you are drinking that water you brought along as you go.
    I have heard great things about ZUMBA, but have not joined a class myself. Often you have to force yourself to do it...with good music/videos racing through your mind..it's a total encouragement.
    I post encouraging scriptures and quotes around the house to keep my focus...on being healthy, not losing weight. Tearing yourself down will only bring you down. Having others to this with me, holding me accountable and praying for each other really helps. Love the support of others...positive support.
    On days you really feel lazy...do a lighter workout...just don't let yourself get in a rut. Don't beat yourself up, but fight for yourself...a healthier you-one step at a time. When your mind is beating you down...remember how good it feels when your workout is over, when you ate a healthy meal and focus on that instead. It's not about vanity, it's about your health...you can totally do it.
  • kimberly3555
    kimberly3555 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I feel the same way. I get all motivated and then do nothing. I wrote out a 10 week exercise plan b/c I'm running my first 5K in September, and literally do not exercise at all. That's my motivator. No one thinks that I can do and it's actually a 5K obstacle course, mud pits, etc., so I just want to show them all that I can, and of course, prove it to myself. My first week of exercising wasn't great though. I pulled all of muscles in my legs/hamstrings so I've been hurting all week, and not exercising. I'm 245 lbs, so my first goal is to get to 199, and then go from there. I have to drop 20 lbs before the race!!! And the only way to do it is Exercise More and Eat Healthy. It is hard. I hope you can find something to get you started. For me, it's to complete, not win, one of the hardest 5K's ever. Good luck!!!!!!!
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    Two years ago I got an earful of "motivation" from various friends and family who were "concerned about my health." I wasn't ready to do anything, no matter the words of others....many of whom spouted stats and family history - blah blah blah. "Don't you want to see your children grow up?" yadda yadda yadda. It's like trying to convince the chain smoker that their family is going to be around their hospital bed looking at pics of their black lungs. THIS, for me, IS NOT motivation. Neither is the "rah rah rah, you can do it" bullcrap.

    So what is my point? Motivation is going to have to come from within. When you are ready you will start....when you lapse there will be people with words.... but ONLY YOU can do anything about it. I know. I've been there.

    so even with all the encouragment...I didn't DO ANYTHING until May of this year when I made up my own mind. Lost over 30 pounds in a month and don't plan on going back. However, I come here to read the forums and get information..... the motivation is great, don't get me wrong.... but I alone can cahnge myself.

    I WISH YOU THE BEST. Good luck, cher!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Losing weight and being healthy doesn't require exercise, just eating healthy goes a long way.

    That's the amazing secret that you don't hear on television commercials. No one makes money telling you to just eat good. I work out really hard but honestly 70% - 80% of my success is in the kitchen. That's why MFP is such a huge tool for fitness for me. If I can eat good I can be healthy.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Find something you love doing that's active for the exercise. Get rid of all the junk out of your house so you wont' be tempted to eat crap. Leave the cash/credit/debit card at home so you don't stop for something on the way to or home from work. Eat before you go shopping.

    There are lots of things you can do to help, but ultimately, you have to decide what your motivation is. We can't give it to you.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    well i'm 40 but don't need to loose 30 and it's 100 degrees here in VA. sometimes while i watch tv i do sit ups mostly in the morning when i'm watching the news. my dogs think it's hilarious, i get to laugh while they sniff my face and i get a little extra ab workout in. stop beating yourself up over it. even if you get a walk in you're moving. if you don't have a huge kitchen get on your hands and knees and clean the floor with a sponge. do the same motion as if you were using an ab roller. HELL OF A WORKOUT! it'll get you started. as for a diet plan try baby steps - pick one new fruit or veggie to add to your meal. if you're having tomato sauce add some greens to it. it's all about taking baby steps. you jump in all at once with zero motivation you'll end up failing :) feel free to friend me.
    Hello Everyone,

    I am a newbie also and I have NO MOTIVATION to exercise what so ever! :explode: My mind wants to excercise and eat right but I can't seem to do it and stay on track. I will start and then stop. It is sooo hot here in Dallas (100 degrees or more some days). Too hot to walk my dog. I am just lazy and just want to lay under the air conditioner after work. If I keep doing the same things, I will keep getting the same results, which is NOTHING. Need people to motivate me and help me to make this a lifestyle not just a temporary diet plan. I lose it and then gain it back....Any 40+ friends with 40lbs or more to lose I would love to become your friends.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Only you can make the commitment to change. Once you have fully committed to a lifestyle change, the motivation will come naturally. Until then, you are left to wallow.

    I agree the motivation has to come from you, however MFP friends can give you support and encouragement. Good luck :)
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Sorry dear...but the only person who can truly motivate you is you.

    I like to look at before and after pics of people....that keeps me motivate. And I picture myself looking as good as them...that helps me to keep pushing forward. My MFP friends motivate me a lot. Get some...they can be a great help!

    Best luck to you!