I can't help judging fat people



  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    The only time I judge other fat people negatively, keeping in mind I'm still one myself, is when they park in a handicapped spot and take it away from the legitimately handicapped who might really need to park there. But that goes for skinny people who abuse those parking spots too.

    However, I don't think we can help but make a snap judgements of other people. It's part of how humans relate to each other. What you do with that judgement is what matters.
  • scooterist
    scooterist Posts: 17
    When I see an overly obese person I'm not repulsed the way you seem to be.

    I never said I was repulsed and certainly didn't intend to convey that, though I think another poster might have suggested as much.
  • electricmeow
    electricmeow Posts: 68 Member
    I just read the first page haha so sorry if this is a repeat.

    There is a huge difference between *thinking* and saying. I'm sure its mostly out of good intentions that you would want to say something, but you know with your heart that's inappropriate. Don't be so harsh on yourself! You're good!

    I know what you mean 100% and wish people were more enlightened. What I get upset about is when they try to argue that they are victims of fast food and high fructose corn syrup. I think these are good opportunities to speak your mind about your own weight loss etc etc. But in the store, remember you don't know the other side to it. It could be they are in the process of losing a huge amount of weight, but wanted to treat themselves once...or like my family, had a tragic loss and its really hard to "be hard" on yourself with diet if its not embedded yet. We are all at different stages of self control and you can't judge that by one shopping cart.
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    This forum has really opened my eyes to how much some folks worry about other people.

    "It irks me that people want to lose weight for any other reason than health"
    "You're not curvy you're fat"
    "I want to tell people to lose weight"

    If someone is 600 lbs and wants to call themselves curvy, I could give a *kitten*.
    If someone's motivation is different than mine, I could give a *kitten*.
    If someone doesn't want to lose weight, none of my d*mn business.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    you have NO idea where someone is in their life. you have no idea where they have been or where they are going. if you see someone huffing and puffing at the top of the stairs - hey, they took the STAIRS! you don't know if that's the biggest NSV they've ever had. you don't know if they were once 600lbs. and are only NOW down enough to WALK the stairs.

    i can understand that fear can show itself as anger very easily - and extereme judgement is actually a manifestation of that anger - but if you're having that much trouble, then might i suggest therapy.

    healthy bodies are nothing without healthy brains and healthy sense-of self inside them.

    I don't think he's scared of the fat people. And I'm pretty sure he could out run them if he were.

    You should re read his OP. Your reaction is extreme considering how mild the OP is.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    It's fine, it's common, and I think you deserve kudos for admitting it.... but that doesn't make it right or good to continue to allow that to rule you. Dorkaleena has some very good points. Maybe you should try and become friends with someone that repulses you--they might be able to help you get over your issues, and you might be able to help them get healthier.

    This whole heartedly.

    There is no point in bashing the OP for a trait that he finds disgusting in himself. It's neither helpful nor does bashing a basher make you a better person.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    You are the reason why people sometimes give up. Guess what? Maybe that fat person is walking everyday, running and eating better. Why don't you wait until they live with you, see them eat fried chicken and donuts all day and night before saying anything. You suck and I hope you catch a charlie horse.
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    And in turn I judge you for judging other people and thus everyone will eventually be judged unless the initial judger does not judge.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I wonder if someone saw me getting on a bus they would think the same thing. Even though I have changed my diet, and I exercise every single day of my life, I still get out of breath when I walk (especially if there is a hill). You SHOULDN'T even have posted this. This is the kind of thing that someone might see and just give up. Especially someone like me who has over 100lbs to go!! This post isn't motivational or supportive.

    This guy speaks for all the a*sholes of the world (though I'm sure there are a lot), and who cares what they think about you getting on the bus. If anything, you should feel sad for the OP. Don't let it discourage you or make you think everyone is judging you because they are not.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Not cool.

    I see a morbidly obese person as, well...a person. It doesn't bother me they are large, out of breath, or anything like that, even driving around on those little carts in the grocery store. My first thought is usually "I wonder how they got that way"? "Is there anything I can do to help them"? The thing is, its probably not my place so I don't do anything. Maybe they are obese from a physical injury, maybe it was emotional issues, maybe its a medical reason...maybe maybe maybe. And see thats the thing. we DONT know the whole story. That's why we shouldn't judge.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    There's a lot of people on this site who think like you. They lose weight or start to eat more "healthy" and then all of a sudden, they consider themselves better than a person who hasn't made the changes they made. They start assuming their friends and family are sabotaging them, they are disgusted by overweight people, and they feel the need to ask for advice on how to tell their co-worker that they should change their eating habits.

    It's not only condescending, but it shows an insecurity on a psychological level that losing weight will not fix.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
    Howdy folks,

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    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

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