Taking a break from running -- thoughts?



  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member
    I've been running over 20 years and I would not still be running if I did not take "breaks" from running along the way. Sometimes injury put me out of commission or just burn out or boredom. I've taken breaks that have spanned anywhere from 3 days, to 3 months, to even a year. But when I was ready to start back up again, it was never difficult to get back into it.

    I often see beginner runners really stress about missing a run or taking time off. I have one friend who started running and became really gung ho after losing a few pounds. When her hip started bothering her, she still ran through the pain. A week later, she wound up with a really complex hip fracture where her doctor ordered her to stop running for six months (the injury actually was so bad that she never took up running again :-(

    So, take some time off -- your running shoes will be waiting for you when you're ready to start back up again :-)
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I recently ran a half-marathon in Boston and sustained a really bad ankle sprain right at the finish line. If you have an injury, do NOT push it. It nearly killed me and I thought I was going to lose my mind from not running, but the 3 weeks I was forced to take off helped ensure that my ankle healed properly.

    Let the knee rest and when you start back, start back slow.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    ETA: I am still exercising... taking moderate walks, and doing 30DS (but being very knee-conscious!!!)

    Honestly, the 30DS killed my knees. For me, it was actually the jumping jacks since they put an odd angle of pressure on the knee joint.

    But as for the running break, take it and don't feel guilty. We all need breaks at one time or another!
  • trybabytry
    trybabytry Posts: 181
    Thanks everyone so much for your thoughtful answers.