Pardon Me: I Need to Vent!!!!



  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Are you weighing at the same time of day every time you weigh? Are you weighing naked? Believe me, clothes can and will add weight depending on what and how much you're wearing. If you're not eating enough calories, you'll put on some weight. Could it possibly be that time of the month?? I know I put on a few pounds during that God forsaken week (water weight).

    Don't get discouraged and don't give up. It really IS worth it in the end. It's taken me 4 years, all told, to take off and KEEP off the 90 I've lost.......keep on keepin' on
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Significantly upping your exercise can cause you to retain water. Keep at it and that water weigh WILL subside. Any time I come back to the gym after a break I automatically go up 5 lbs for 2-3 weeks. Its completely normal.

    I agree. If you want the water weight to subside sooner, quit with the unrealistic cardio levels. Your body probably thinks you're being chased by a flippin T-Rex. It's in 'predator on my heels mode'. :smile:

    Sorry, I thought some humor might help you're venting. I think anytime you feel 'robbed' by the scale, it means what you put into it was probably too much to be sustainable anyway so dial things back to a level you can live with without wanting to throw the scale out the window.
  • LucyFordxo
    LucyFordxo Posts: 62 Member
    Wow you folks, thank you so much for the support.

    I will open up my food diary for sure-but I've only updated it yesterday and for today. I'm back at mfp so it's not really reflective yet.

    I realize 1,000 calories burnt in cardio sounds like I could be over doing it but I don't think's only about an hour and fifteen minutes worth of cardio at the gym. Last year I was running(outdoors) 5k 3-4 times a week-I'm happy with an active body. God Bless those fancy calorie burning high-tech machiens :heart:

    I never thought about the possibility of it being from swelling or inflamation-great advice!! This IS the first week I've been back at the gym, I was off for a week and not doing as much cardio previous.
    I've been going at it for four days in a row with no rest. In my attempt to go today by bike broke down on the side of the road and I walked it back home. Maybe that's the universe telling me to rest today:laugh:

    I really thought you needed to burn more calories then you put in?

    I'd say I eat pretty well...I'm a vegetarian (been one for 13 years now) and work hard to get in healthy proteins and oils. However consistancy is key and I'm sure I've lacked that. My diet is a lot of veggies, one-two servings of fruit a day and unless it's a "treat" I watch sugar. Consistancy is key here:I don't want to play the victim of "BOOOHOOO I EAT SO GOOD ALL THE TIME WHHHY!!! WHYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!"-HOWEVER it's frustrating when I've put good habits into effect with yucky results. I'd assume (*kitten*..I know) that even the moments I've had where I wasn't 100% consistant that it wouldn't lead me to gain six pounds and 2 inches in two weeks.
    I do drink a lot of water :) I strive for six liters of water a day-coffee or tea is a treat for me. I like to add fresh lemon or lime juice to it.

    I've had some medical issues in the past. I feel really bloated still. Last year I had a series of hydroclonic's because I was really backed up..(not pooping for two weeks is an issue.) After a first round of hormone testing and things showing up fine (but symptoms suggesting otherwise) I've been refered to a metabolism and hormone specialist. Thankfully my appointment is a week away.

    Thank-You all for the words of wisdom.

    In addition to the questions I've dropped in this reply...if any of you have suggestions for dairy/gluten/strarch/bean free(people always go on about quinoa. It tastes great I know..but it does a number to my insides) vegetarian proteins that would be sexy. I DO have a great protein powder but I really just have it at breakfast time.

    Again! Many thanks xo
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If this is your first week back, your muscles are storing water ang glycogen as a response to the start of training as others have suggested. Getting back into shape and trimming down should be viewed as a marathon and not a sprint. You are in the first mile. You didn't get overweight in one week, you won't get fit and thin in one week. I also suggest that you incorporate some strength training with the cardio for max benefit and maintaining lean muscle mass.
  • Catjag
    Catjag Posts: 107
    OP-this is not a judgement against you, its just me simply clearing up a myth. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb muscle=1lb of fat. Muscle can take up less space in your body than fat. Just keep that in mind.

    I agree with a lot of the previous posters in reference to weight training and your body holding onto water. What you are going through is very frustrating but don't give, keep powering through!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    please remember that recovering muscles hold onto water and add weight. Check again in a couple days.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I realize 1,000 calories burnt in cardio sounds like I could be over doing it but I don't think's only about an hour and fifteen minutes worth of cardio at the gym. Last year I was running(outdoors) 5k 3-4 times a week-I'm happy with an active body. God Bless those fancy calorie burning high-tech machiens :heart:

    I really thought you needed to burn more calories then you put in?

    1000 calorie burns each day can be fine, they are going to be stressful on the body, and you already put it under stress by eating less. Stress is not good for the body, and hormones, and metabolism. But you need to feed them.

    You do need to burn more than you put in. But what should the difference be?

    Most people recognize that outside a planned fast, there is obviously a line somewhere that is not safe.

    Like - just don't eat. Wouldn't that be the biggest deficit you could have, and then try to workout at this level?
    Why would this be a problem?

    Same thing applies to underfeeding your body for the level of activity you are expecting from it and putting it through.

    You'd probably be better served eating at non-exercise maintenance. And let exercise create the deficit totally.
    You are trying to combine it and reaching that unsafe level.

    Just go into MFP settings, select Lightly-active, select goal is Maintain.

    Now log your exercise and calories burned. Each day it'll tell you "in 5 weeks your weigh..."

    You know 1000 could be 2lb weekly. Though you'll find you are still asking the body it improve, and that doesn't mean weight loss.

    And give yourself a rest day, and a day of less intensity, or you'll soon find your workouts plateauing and you getting less benefit from it. in other words, if you try for 1000 calories burned each and every day, your body will soon take care of it that you don't get that. Like getting sick or injured for 2 weeks recovery.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member

    I really thought you needed to burn more calories then you put in?

    Well, you already are. Depending on the settings you have with MFP, that is. For instance, I have my settings to lose 1 pound per week. My calories to maintain are around 2000 or so, so to lose a pound per week MFP set my calories at 1500 so I would have a deficit of 500 calories per day, which adds up to 3500 calories (or 1 pound) per week.

    The reason you want to eat back your exercise calories is so that you don't net too few calories. If I didn't eat my exercise calories back, I would only net about 800 calories a day. Some people able to do that and have success. But I know if I don't eat my exercise calories back and net at least 1300 a day, I feel weak and sick. I'll get headaches and don't want to do anything. Not only that, but my body will hold onto any calories I eat and won't lose anything. So it's better in the long run if I eat my exercise calories.
  • LucyFordxo
    LucyFordxo Posts: 62 Member net calories are the difference between the total calories I've consumed and what I've burnt off...and it is reccomended that I eat some of them?

    I'm sure MFP explained this to me when I joined two years ago..but I'm re-figuring this calorie counting thing is a newer concept to me.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    Fat does not "turn into" muscle. You can lose fat while you gain muscle, however. And it's what I suggest you do: incorporate strength training into your routine as well as cardio.

    thankyou^^^. fat is fat. and muscle is muscle. your muscles can swell making you look bigger. i was staying the same and it turns out i was eating too much protein.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member net calories are the difference between the total calories I've consumed and what I've burnt off...and it is reccomended that I eat some of them?

    I'm sure MFP explained this to me when I joined two years ago..but I'm re-figuring this calorie counting thing is a newer concept to me.


    And you don't have to eat all of them back, I only eat about half. But it is reccommended you net at least 1200 calories a day.
  • oranb
    oranb Posts: 20 Member net calories are the difference between the total calories I've consumed and what I've burnt off...and it is reccomended that I eat some of them?

    I'm sure MFP explained this to me when I joined two years ago..but I'm re-figuring this calorie counting thing is a newer concept to me.

    You should eat all of them back, as MFP has already created the caloric deficit for you when you entered your preferences (-.5 to -2 pounds/week). If you don't eat them back, you are creating an even larger deficit and then you are probably going to be under eating.

    Took me a while to understand this, and as I've adjusted I've steadily lost .5 to 1 pound a week.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I am gonna suggest impending TOM or possible dietary bloating.
  • lmustoe
    lmustoe Posts: 19 Member
    I am feeling your pain, I have been in a battle since last August. I get down to about 163 and start getting really bad blood sugar attacks. Anytime I cut back on calories I start issues with blood sugar. More recently I did it again! starting logging lost some weight started getting attacks. So I quit and gain back 10 lbs but the attacks stop. Not trying to tell my story but wanted to let you know that I have PCOS and just went on ORTHO TRI CYCLEN. Usually I am on low dose but new doctor new town oops forgot to tell her. Went back and she put me on Metphormin and low dose birth control and so far this week I have lost a pound and feeling a little better. I was not dx'ed by blood work but by a fertility doctor who did an ultrasound and my ovaries are very poly cystic. Long story but my point is maybe go a little deeper into your hormones. I was about to give up myself, keep up the good work and add me if you want! I would love to help keep you motivated!! GL:happy: