Wii Fit

I have a Wii Fit and balance board. Is anyone else using it? How's it working? I just joined today and need help getting started on excersise.


  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm using it, but after a month or so it isn't very challenging and I was VERY out of shape (and recovering from surgery) when I began. I'm starting to try more of the strength and yoga moves now. My favorite games are: Perfect 10, Ski Jump, Advanced Step, Hula Hoop, Rhythm Parade, Rhythm Kung Fu, and the Obstacle Course. :happy:
  • lapfam8
    lapfam8 Posts: 2
    I am using the Wii Fit and I do the Island Cycling, basic running, aerobic step, kung fu, rhythm parade games. When I do 30 minutes, it burns about 167 calories. I also discovered aerobic step that you set for 10, 20, or 30 minutes and you can just listen to the wii remote while you watch tv. Lots of fun options!
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I like the free step that you do while watching tv, island cycling, and hula hooping. Also yoga, but I am not very good at it.
  • lunchlady1208
    I was thinking about trying Zumba for the Wii...has anyone tried that yet?
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    We use it too, but use the Wii Island one more, we do cycling, running, canoeing, etc. It can work up a sweat.
  • hartmanb1
    hartmanb1 Posts: 2
    I was using it for a while and then got out of exercising but I just joined yesterday too and I plan on using it! I love the games on their and I really do believe the more you put into it, the harder you try, the more you will feel it and see results. It worked the last time I did it! Good Luck! :happy:
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    I like using the Wii fit. It works for me, especially since I don't like working out my jiggly parts in front of strangers at the gym. Ultimately, you get out of it what you put into it.

    I also use Zumba for the kinect, and that's great, too.

    Feel free to add for more support.
  • charl_hcafc
    I've got a Wii and Balance Board, had them for just over a year but only recently have I started to use them religiously.

    I've got Zumba too, which is enjoyable but I have no idea how to record how many calories I've burnt off when I'm recording exercise. I don't know whether to class it as aerobics, dancing, or Wii exercise. Can someone advise me on that please? :smile: