Hi there.....new to the site,just looking for some support!

Hi there i'm Keri,I'm finding it really hard having to watch what i'm eating.....i just seem to be feeling more hungry:(I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this and what you did to combat it?


  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    Feel free to add me :)
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I don't diet, I live by the rule I eat when I'm hungry (actual hungry not bored or emotional hungry, I stop and ask myself which it actually is before I eat anything). The only catch is I eat healthy stuff, not chips etc, I refuse to starve myself to lose weight. I find cycling high calorie days with lower calorie days helps me get better results too and I don't have to feel guilty about eating a bit more every now and again.
  • keri1908
    keri1908 Posts: 9
    Hi there!Thanks fo the reply!It really makes sense what your saying that you eat when your hungry,but eat healthy stuff,so really you still feel full without eating too many calories!Also that you sometimes have high calorie days and lower calorie days that will keep you on an even keel!Sounds good!I'll have 3 meals a day and maybe 2 snacks in between and still feel hungry,but i read somewhere else that i can't be eating enough protein which will curb my hunger for longer!It would be interesting to find out what kinds of foods that you eat!I love crisps and chocolate,but i am trying to eat them in moderation now just as a treat!
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    Protein is good for the full feeling.... If you are really having troubles, have a small bowl of a light soup about 10-15 minutes before a meal, soup is great, light in calories (as long as not cream based) and its great at filling you up. I think of my plate as 4 sections, I fill one with a protein, one with a whole grain (usually rice or quinoa) and the other two as veggies. Snacking is actually good for you (again as long as they are healthy lol). If you are feeding your body fuel steadily over the day it keeps your metabolism up. Your body says hey, times are good, I've got steady incoming fuel so I don't need to store any as fat...
  • Jimmy_Jojo
    Jimmy_Jojo Posts: 27 Member
    I would definitely agree that protein is great for feeling a bit more full. I've found that when I do feel like snacking, making sure i have plenty of fresh fruit that I enjoy at home is great so I don't feel as tempted to go for the unhealthy stuff.....one thing I've also found that's really helped is cutting out juice and soft drinks as a daily thing. I shocked myself at how many less calories I got through in a day when I wasn't having those extra few glasses of juice. Feel free to add me, having a bit of support on this site has done wonders for my self-control :P
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Yep...protein is a big one. Also drinking plenty of water will keep you feeling full more and making sure you eat every 2-3 hours whether you are hungry or not (just something small mind you). I find when I eat every 2 hours I feel like I'm constantly eating and never get hungry. Be careful what foods you are eating too. Foods like crisps or chocolate that make your sugar level spike briefly give you a really satisfied feeling, but once they wear off the sugar level crashes and makes your body think it is starving so it signals you to eat eat eat all those high carb things that will raise your sugar level again. Its a hard cycle to break. Find the good healthy foods out there that you really like and try eating more of those. You'll find it a lot easier than you think once you break that cycle. I also found it helps me to find healthy ways to have the things I love or things that seem very similar. When you want crisps, find a low fat, oven baked kind. When you want chocolate, try a recipe for low fat or fat free chocolate cake (I have a great one). Feel free to add me and good luck :smile:
  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me. :smile: