Need friends for my Mom whose getting a pacemaker

I joined MFP last week and am slowly falling in love with this site. I've done well with the dieting and exercise and wanted to share it with one of the most important people in my life. . . my mom.

She is having a pacemaker put in on Monday and is scared to death. I think this may be the wake up call she needs to start taking better care of her body, but obviously there is a lot of fear for everyone in my family before we get to the healing part.

She is the best mother a girl could have had. She's strong, beautiful, loving, smart, patient, and possibly the most giving person I know. I have a daughter of my own now, and hope I can be as good of a mother as she was to me. It's funny that even in my mid-thirties she still has so much to teach me. And sometimes, when I'm not acting like I know it all, her pearls of wisdom actually sink in.

Her name on here is Texasruffles - (please ignore the age, she didn't have me at 3)

I'm asking for anyone out there who has had experience with heart problems, aging, or people who just want to support her, to please friend her. Some words of wisdom could really help her.

I'm here for you, and I hope you decide to fight for yourself this time. Your daughters need you, your grandkids need you, and Dad needs you, so please fight for yourself and your health this time. I love you, Mom.