Running on a treadmill vs outside



  • glonigan
    glonigan Posts: 82
    I run on both based on time of day and temperature outside (Live in Southern Arizona). As for a treadmill doing any work for you...., I would like to see the science behind that claim. The foot and stride still work in the same fashion regardless of location. I find that the treadmill can help me push a pace (maintain) on a longer run than outside, and has helped me with working at different paces. Running outside gives me a better feel for distance, natural speed, and is more relaxing. I do find running on the treadmill rather boring and have trouble running for longer than 45 minutes on it.

    I think as a newer runner the goal would be just to run. Any work done outside or inside will translate in part to the other. Just my 2 cents. Best of luck to you.

    PS: If you are having knee and joint pain, two areas to look at are your stride length (Heel Strike versus Forefoot/Midfoot) and cadence(turnover speed).
  • g_jelly
    g_jelly Posts: 36 Member
    When I saw this thread title I straight away thought yeah there must be people like me out there who struggle to run on a treadmill. But now a feel a little more like a freak ;) with everyone saying that it is actually easier on a treadmill. It's not that I can't run on a treadmill but I definitely can't do the same distance or keep the same speed. I have tried numerous times as a way of getting my cardio in when the weather is bad or in the middle of winter and dark after work but it's just depressing. So it's pavement for me all the way!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Run wherever you like to run!

    Set the treadmill to a slight incline (0.5 or 1.0) if you're getting ready to transition from the treadmill to outside, and be prepared to back off your mileage some because it's harder on your joints to run on most outdoor surfaces, and don't let it hurt your pride when you have to walk more or run more slowly. They're just different animals. Run however it makes you feel good!
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    If anyone is seeing me running outside, it's because I'm traveling and my hotel doesn't have a gym or the treadmills in my condo building are occupied/not working. I MUCH prefer running on a treadmill. When I run outside, I feel I am running sooooo slow. I also like running while I'm catching up with the news.

    I like the outdoors...while I'm taking a stroll. I am a room service kinda guy. Camping is not my idea of fun.

    While I can kinda understand why people would enjoy running in a park of trail or along the water or whatever (well, kinda), I cannot understand why one would prefer to run on an outdoor track as opposed to a treadmill. Out of doors and repetitive? That is my hell!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I seem to be completely the opposite to everyone else here - I actually find running on a treadmill to be harder than running outside! When you're indoors with a treadmill, it is generally hotter and stuffier, you have limited space if you have long legs, and more than anything else I find it so hard to keep running when I can just turn the machine off if I get bored. If you run outside and have a circular route planned then you kinda have to keep going until you get back home, and I find the time goes by much quicker outside in the fresh air than staring at a wall.

    As a result of these I end up running further faster if I'm outdoors than in, but maybe that's just me!

    I completely agree! It's too hot in the gym and I get super bored the furthest I've ever been able to run on a treadmill is 3-4 miles the furthest I've ran outside was a marathon (26.2 miles) the fresh air, breeze and beautiful changing scenery helps keep my mind occupied. Also as mentioned above, once you start on a path outside you always have to finish it to get back home or to your car :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If anyone is seeing me running outside, it's because I'm traveling and my hotel doesn't have a gym or the treadmills in my condo building are occupied/not working. I MUCH prefer running on a treadmill. When I run outside, I feel I am running sooooo slow. I also like running while I'm catching up with the news.

    I like the outdoors...while I'm taking a stroll. I am a room service kinda guy. Camping is not my idea of fun.

    While I can kinda understand why people would enjoy running in a park of trail or along the water or whatever (well, kinda), I cannot understand why one would prefer to run on an outdoor track as opposed to a treadmill. Out of doors and repetitive? That is my hell!
    It will be a cold day in hell before you catch me on a track outside...except one half marathon I've done a couple times- the Runner's world one in Allentown- finishes on a track, that's it though. But most tracks are soft and cushy compared to asphalt or concrete, and are good for timing specific distances.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    The only time I run on a track is when I do 400m intervals or something like that. Otherwise I find running on a track only slightly less boring than running on a treadmill.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi there

    I cant manage long on a treadmill I get bored. While outdoors is harder & you may need to walk more you will build up more quickly outside overall. The treadmill is set at a nice consistent pace for you but you may not be pushing yourself enough. It might be an idea to start off on a run/walk program if you are up for proressing outdoors?

    Now I've only heard this one from the chiropractor who was treating me for a recent injury but he said when I started back running I was to avoid a treadmill as its harder on your joints, something to do with the ground your running on is moving so there is more impact.

    But if you're happy running on a treadmill you go for it, if you enjoy exercising its half the battle just dont be put off that you need more walk breaks outdoors.
  • lamerek
    lamerek Posts: 18 Member
    I'll echo what everyone has said -- running on the treadmill is easier because you're not physically propelling your body forward in space. The machine does some of the work for you. I'd suggest mixing it up so that you body doesn't get used to one thing. I *just* did my first treadmill run (7.3 miles), and I could tell it was easier—on my joints (compared to concrete or asphalt), as well as in terms of my stamina.

    My favorite place to run is a (relatively flat) trail—good scenery to distract me and easy on the body/joints. However, women need to aware of their surroundings when out alone on a trail!

    Treadmills can be great for adding hills when you live in a flat place like I do (altho I've yet to try hills on one!). They also rock when your indoor track is super short (like the one I use), you want to cover long distances, and it is flippin' hot out! ;)

    If you're training for a road race, you need to train on that type of surface if at all possible. It will prepare you the best for the race.

    BTW -- congrats on your new running lifestyle! :)
