How many calories for how many lbs?



  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Everything I've read (as in published) says 1200 is a healthy floor. Not BMR, not '1200 net'.

    Despite that we all gained it slower than 2 lbs/week, authorities nearly all agree we can aim to lose it at the rate of 2 lbs/week. Will it always happen that fast? No. Most (or all) of us underestimate our intake and overestimate our burn. Plus our bodies run on their own 'clocks', not the online estimators.

    Sure. I wasn't meaning you should aim to gain it at the same rate you lost it.

    But setting for a 1200 intake and a 1000 deficit means that you've cut by (about) 45%. That's awfully big. Unless there's some reason/deadline/whatever (such as health issues due to morbid obesity, job issues), I don't see why.
  • 2013Alli
    2013Alli Posts: 30
    quite a debate! The reason I am looking at 2lbs per week is because I have an interim target in November that I am aiming for, for a specific occasion, however i realise to sustain this would be difficult so i'm not going to be too upset if i dont quite reach it but i'd like to get close. I also have read from many nutritionists and from many dieting clubs that 2lbs per week is a healthy amount to lose and that 1200 calories is a healthy amount to be eating, so i'm suprised that so many people are disagreeing with this.

    My confusion I think was when i was trying to work out what that means for me personally in terms of calorie intake, was around which figure to use (TDEE, BMR etc..)

    Anyway, I'm not going to be silly about the whole thing. If I'm not getting what i need from the 1200 cals, i'll just have a re-think :-)

    Thank you for all your comments x
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    to lose 1lb you need a calorie deficit of 3500

    so either eat less or exercise more or a combo of both :-)

    An average woman needs 2000kcal per day but obviously depending on your body/height/activity level that varies, you can google for a BMR calc that should give you your daily calorie needs!

    Good Luck :)