Anyone with allergies??

debtdummy Posts: 73
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
hi all , im 29 and i ahve dairy , lactose and alcohol allergies and find the alternative foods make me fatter. anyone else got allergy????


  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi, I'm allergic to chocolate and I have terrible hay fever. I can't imagine being allergic to dairy. Cindy :heart:
  • I used to think that I was allergic to dairy and alcohol, but then found out I actually have an allergy to gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats), also called celiac disease. Once I stopped eating gluten I was able to tolerate dairy with no problem. I can also now drink alcohol that is not grain-based, such as wine, rum, and tequila.

    I know the dairy / gluten thing is really common. Have you ever read anything about gluten allergies? I also had a really hard time losing weight until I removed it from my diet. When I stopped eating it about a year and a half ago, I immediately lost about about 20 pounds without any other changes in diet or lifestyle.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    I have enviornmental allergies, and wheat really doesn't like me. The allergies that affect breathing can really make exercise a chore some days.
  • I'm lactose intolerant - I can tolerate yogurt and cheese and ice cream fine, but milk makes my GI upset. I am not a huge fan of soy milk, but LOVE almond milk - calories are even better than skim milk.
  • I'm intolerant of gluten as well. I always had trouble losing weight until I removed gluten from my diet in April of this year. We found out my daughter had it and then found out I have it. It does help a lot on the weight loss, though, because most breads are eliminated anyway :smile: . I've found that I don't miss it either!
  • carissa55
    carissa55 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm going to start eating gluten free. I'm constiently getting sinus infections whenever I drink too much milk or eat foods with milk in it. I used to be allergic to milk. I had an allergy test and it came up as positive but last time it was negative. The allergy test said I am also allergic to beef, rye, corn, peanut.

    I'm also allergic to just about every animal but I still have pets... perhaps another reason for these sinus infections although my bunny and guinea pig live outside. Only the cat is inside. I'm also VERY allergic to feathers and dust mites. At least I'm not allergic to any plants, thank goodness!!

    oh and my Grandmother had celiacs disease. I think I will try gluten free eating and see what happens. Perhaps I'll lose some weight, since I seem to be stuck at this weight for sooo long despite using this site to monitor food and exercising like crazy.

  • Going gluten-free can help SOOO many things if you're sensitive to it. I finally decided to eliminate it after getting sick-in-bed sick 4 times in 3 months two winters ago. I thought I'd give it up for a month and see what happened. To my surprise, not only did I stop getting sick, my joint pain and stiffness, lethargy, foggy brain, skin rash, asthma, environmental and dairy allergies, and life-long depression all went away too! :noway: I felt like someone had finally turned on the lights in my head and I wasn't trying to think through molasses anymore! It was really amazing!

    It's not easy to give it up, but once you see how much better you feel it's REALLY easy to stay away from it! I've only fallen off the wagon once (last October on my birthday) and I felt like I'd been hit by a train for about a week. That one experience gave me more than enough motivation to stay away for good!

    Maybe we could start a group for all the current and aspiring gluten-free MFPers?
  • I'm lactose intolerant - I can tolerate yogurt and cheese and ice cream fine, but milk makes my GI upset. I am not a huge fan of soy milk, but LOVE almond milk - calories are even better than skim milk.

    I can get by with cheese & yogurt but if I go over 2 servings of dairy my stomach is not happy at all, so I drink the 1% Lactaid milk. It works and I like it.
  • Hi, I'm allergic to chocolate and I have terrible hay fever. I can't imagine being allergic to dairy. Cindy :heart:

    Man, I wish I'm allergic to chocolate... then I would lose more weight!!! :noway:

    COUNT DOWN: 6 mores days to weight in, need to lose 2.5 lbs. I'll lose 26 lbs by Xgiving (11 weeks) and get a blue ray player as reward :drinker:
  • I used to think that I was allergic to dairy and alcohol, but then found out I actually have an allergy to gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats), also called celiac disease. Once I stopped eating gluten I was able to tolerate dairy with no problem. I can also now drink alcohol that is not grain-based, such as wine, rum, and tequila.

    I know the dairy / gluten thing is really common. Have you ever read anything about gluten allergies? I also had a really hard time losing weight until I removed it from my diet. When I stopped eating it about a year and a half ago, I immediately lost about about 20 pounds without any other changes in diet or lifestyle.

    i had celiac disease test about 3 years back when i was rushed into hospital. all alcohol seems to go through me faster than water, sorry to be so personal lol
  • I'm going to start eating gluten free. I'm constiently getting sinus infections whenever I drink too much milk or eat foods with milk in it. I used to be allergic to milk. I had an allergy test and it came up as positive but last time it was negative. The allergy test said I am also allergic to beef, rye, corn, peanut.

    I'm also allergic to just about every animal but I still have pets... perhaps another reason for these sinus infections although my bunny and guinea pig live outside. Only the cat is inside. I'm also VERY allergic to feathers and dust mites. At least I'm not allergic to any plants, thank goodness!!

    oh and my Grandmother had celiacs disease. I think I will try gluten free eating and see what happens. Perhaps I'll lose some weight, since I seem to be stuck at this weight for sooo long despite using this site to monitor food and exercising like crazy.


    bless you. antibiotics can make u have false reading for dairy test. mine came back negative even tho i could leave the hospital from having the test, my gi was soooo bad
  • carissa55
    carissa55 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm glad you told me that antibiotics can give a false reading because I was on antibiotics when I had my allergy testing done. I never knew that could happen. Thanks for telling me.
  • I'm glad you told me that antibiotics can give a false reading because I was on antibiotics when I had my allergy testing done. I never knew that could happen. Thanks for telling me.

    i didnt know till my reading came back , xx
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